The rules are: Comment to this post and I will give you 5 subjects/things I associate you with. Then post this in your LJ and elaborate on the subjects given.
Honesty -- I'd go with frank and blunt but okay.
Cereal -- It's good food. And yeah, so what? I can never make up my mind what I want to so I eat them all at the same time. In one bowl.
Loyalty -- You have no idea. Chuck don't bail on people even when they've dissed her.
Hoodie with the Skull on the back -- Isn't that awesome? I love it. My hoodie.
Marcus -- I've known him since before I could speak well enough to express what a dweeb I think he is. We used to screech at each other in the lobby and like play the most idiot games of tag ever and then...I don't know. Play dates.
From Ms. Cait
Bossing around boys -- I only boss around the ones dumb enough to listen to me. This is all boys, ever. Mostly. Not Jeremy and Jason. They'd pound me.
Ingenuity -- I do have this, I will not lie. The things I do are brilliant and better than yours. See above: bossing around boys. I have gotten Marcus and Liam to do some amazing fucking things.
Stubbornness -- Big fucking deal. I don't give in and I don't give up and I don't let shit go until I want to. Why should I? I win if I hold out.
Coffee tables -- Look, I'm short, okay? I need to be front and center so I can actually see the t.v. So I sit on the coffee table. I started doing this because Marcus is a pain and fucking insists on leaning forward with his elbows on his knees and his big fucking red head is in my way. All the time. So I sit on the table.
Goldfish -- They make good pets. They're kinda sparkly and pretty and sometimes you get a freaking sick fucker who like chews on the other ones all cannibal style. Plus, when they die, you can flush them down the toilet. This doesn't work so well with hamsters. I know, I tried.
From the Rockstar Freakazoid:
Smart -- Natch. Isn't this a fucking given?
the B&J or Haagen Dazs debate -- Haagen Dazs all the way. In theory, I apporove of fuckery and messing with people's minds but Ben & Jerry bringing out AWESOME ice cream in a limited run just to get you hooked and discontinue it? So not cool. So suck it, RORY STONE.
treasure hunts -- I still say that if it is left in your coat pocket, it's fair game. I don't care if it was your watch.
popcorn fights -- The last time we had one of those I had to pick popcorn kernels out of my underwear, just so you know. Dumping the whole bowl on me is CHEATING. Especially when Marcus is sitting on me and I can't get away. ALSO, you are both entirely too god damned tall. I can never pour anything over your heads. This isn't fair. Short people shouldn't be abused. Liam, back me up here.
cootie attacks -- Hahaha...THIS is what you think of? Is it because I screamed and cried and carried on until I lost my voice when Marcus and Liam double-teamed me and gave me the biggest case of cooties ever and then told me I had to kiss you if I wanted them to go away? There was no way that was ever going to happen. No offense.
From Liam, my Montana LOVAH
Marcus' hair -- I did not turn it green. Besides, it was his idea. Actually, I think we should convince him to shave his head. Wouldn't that be fun?
Teaching me to ice skate -- Is your ass still broken? If you would have just loosened up and stopped worrying about falling on the ice, it wouldn't have been so painful, Country Boy. Still, it was pretty fun getting you to trust me enough to skate backwards. And you having to put aside your fear of girl germs so you could hold my hands (hahaha or the way you kept CLINGING to me, come on, that was hilarious). It's nice having someone not HUGELY giant to skate with when you come visit. Marcus isn't any fun. He'd rather play crack the whip and send me freewheeling all the way across the rink. Bastard.
Tiddlywink commandos -- Who would have thought those little green guys could fly so well? I bet if anyone was brave enough to actually go in there, they'd find some of them in the bottom of Marcus' closet.
Sleepover at Aunt Cait's -- I just remember waking up smushed between you and Marcus like some sort of Chuck Sandwich. Your breath was really creepy hot on the back of my neck, like a fire breathing dragon or something. And Marcus drooled on my hand. So gross.
Oh, wait. You fuckers both scared the crap out of me with that Ouija board and making me think her apartment was haunted. Dweeb still insists that it wasn't him moving that thingy. Creeps. Mean creeps. I still can't stand looking at one of those boards.
Harassing the doorman -- I don't need you to do this, you know. It's just more effective. I think he might actually kill us if we ever leave hand prints all over the glass doors again though.