I've dropped off on the posting, mostly because so much has been happening. It has been a really busy 2 months with several health things going on, and big life changes.
It started with some genital health issues back in the summer.
It started with a mild rash that was annoying enough to get looked at. The Doctor at the clinic didn't think the rash was a significant problem, but was more concerned about what appeared to be thin skin in the area around the entrance to my vagina.
I went to my own GP who took some blood for tests as she thought it might have to do with my hormone levels. Then I got a call saying she wanted to discuss something about my tests, she had an appointment 4 days hence. This... caused a mild freakout.
What if it was an issue with my hormones? What if I needed more hormones? What if that changed my sexual desires? Could I deal with going through puberty at 29? How would this effect my relationship with the Gentleman Caller?
He handled things very well, was very reassuring that we could get through whatever came up. Then I went to the appointment and found out it was just my potassium levels were slightly low. Freakout entirely unnecessary.
I got referred to a gynecological dermatologist.
She was awesome. There was a Resident, the Doctor and an awesome Nurse. There was the initial discussion about what was going on, it came up that I hadn't had a PAP smear and since I was there and there was going to be an exam anyway.
The Resident talked me through the PAP, which was much less than I was expecting. The Nurse must have given her a bit of a questioning look as she explained to the nurse that I hadn't had one before.
The Doctor came in and decided that the areas in question were probably nothing significant but wanted to take biopsies just in case. Then the Nurse was fantastic, asked the Resident to wait on doing anything until she was done laying out everything so that she could come up and hold my hand before anything happened. "Look at you, going from not even having a PAP to all this."
It all turned out to be nothing, just moles, but all in all it was a very positive experience. All the medical professionals I encountered were supportive and helpful and didn't think my experiences strange at all.
The only thing that was frustrating was the question "Have you ever had sex?". I can't figure out a good answer to that question because so much of it depends on why they're asking.
Are they using it as a shorthand for "are you used to penetration?" or "what are your STI risk factors?" They're really messy answers for me.
The other thing that's happening is that I'm going to be moving to move in with the Gentleman Caller. This is the process of wrapping up my life here, and opening up a life in a new city. And making the decision in the first place.
It was a challenge, there are a lot of different pieces to put together. What does it look like for an asexual person to live with a sexual partner? How to deal with giving him space for his activities while not feeling like I'm 'kicked out' for his overnights? I was tempted to move my whole bed, but there's not really space for that. I'll just ensure the second bedroom is cozy and it feels like my space so it's not a 'second best' when I spend the night there instead of with him.
It's going to be a fun adventure. It'll take work and talking to figure out how to make sure everyone is satisfied, but I think it will be good.
So I have a month left in my current city. I'm going to miss a lot of people here. Metamour and I have been spending time together ourselves lately, I have other casual play partners in the city. But adventures are ahead!
And hopefully more regular journal entries ;P
This entry was originally posted at
http://verbs-not-nouns.dreamwidth.org/41836.html. There are <
> comments there.