Mr. Nothing [Teaser]

Mar 09, 2012 21:26

So, now that Three steps over heaven is over (well, still left a little epilogue) Let me introduce you the next series... ta-dah! Mr. Nothing. I hope you'll enjoy it.Here goes such a little teaser for it! 
PS: It'll be from Sho's POV.

Author: 暗

Beta: 軽

Length: Multi-chapter

Genre: Drama, angst, AU

Pairing: Shox?? ; OhMiya [hinted]


He never questioned him what was he doing with his life anymore. He had lost himself a long ago. Misused, misunderstood. He didn’t know what he had done with himself nor wanted to know. Fuck, being fucked, boys, girls… it didn’t matter to him. This was his life; this had been his life for a long time. A life directed to self-destruction since the moment he lost himself. Self-injury, alcohol, sex with strangers, self-hate… he didn’t care anymore, he was empty, he was Mr. Nothing. But for Sakurai Sho, he would become Mr. Everything.

* l: multi-chapter, * g: angst, + series: mr. nothing, * g: drama

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