Mr. Nothing [4/11]

Mar 17, 2012 16:00

Author: 暗
Beta: 軽
Length: Multi-chapter
Genre: Drama, angst, AU
Rating: PG - 13 this chapter

Pairing: ShoxMr.Nothing ; OhMiya [hinted]Disclaimer: we don't own them as much as we wish for it, they are people and slavery is illegal and all of that.
Summary: He stopped questioning what was he doing with his life. He had lost himself a long ago. Misused, misunderstood. He didn’t know what he had done with himself nor wanted to know. Fuck, being fucked, boys, girls… it didn’t matter to him. This was his life; this had been his life for a long time. A life directed to self-destruction since the moment he lost himself. Self-injury, alcohol, sex with strangers, self-hate… he didn’t care anymore, he was empty, he was Mr. Nothing. But for Sakurai Sho, he would become Mr. Everything.


Jun was right, he didn’t need that right now, and if the other didn’t need anybody, he wouldn’t push his presence… no matter how much he’d love to repeat that thing they did in the toilet, or wherever. But he wasn’t going to allow him to tell him to get lost again, twice was more than enough no matter how hot he may be.

Sho had already made his mind about it, to forget about Mr. Nothing. There were still plenty of guys around waiting for him, so he kept enjoying the night with his friends, Mr. Nothing already in the last part of his mind, until the club closed and they had no option but to go home.

Sho was walking around the street, he was close enough of his home as to be able to go walking instead of picking a taxi, and saving some money wouldn’t go that bad now that he had to maintain himself, but two streets from the club, he saw something on the floor whimpering. Wait, whimpering?

Sho got closer to the curled figure in the floor and it didn’t take him much to recognize who it was… Mr. Nothing was there shivering, full of bruises and with his clothes ripped. Sho kneeled down and touched him softly, checking if he was conscious when suddenly the other turned to him with his gaze lost, before moving further from him and curl again shivering.

“What’s wrong with you?”

Sho couldn’t understand, was he intending to stay there hurt the whole night? Sho moved again towards him.

“Hey, Mr. Nothing… you’re injured, want me to bring you to the hospital? Do you need an ambulance?”

The other just stared at him, and Sho was waiting for an answer. He couldn’t leave somebody in that condition in the middle of the street.

“I don’t need anything. Leave”

“I am not leaving, what’s wrong with you? I’ll call an ambulance, what happened?”

“No, no, don’t call an ambulance. Just leave me here…”

“I’m not, let me take you home. Where do you live Mr. Nothing?”

Sho helped the other to stand up from his curling position, and didn’t almost have time to react as the other fell down again, unconscious as soon as he was up.

“Hey, Mr. Nothing?”

Sho was about to freak out, what was with his luck? He had decided to stop his obsession with that guy, but there was no way he could leave him like that there, even if the other asked him to. Sho was about to call an ambulance when he remembered the other had asked him not to, and there may be a reason for that, so he just stopped a taxi and with the help of the driver put Mr. Nothing in the back seat with him after giving his own address. The other had passed out before being able to give him his address so if he didn’t want to leave him alone in that alley, he had no other option.

When they arrived to Sho’s building, the other was still unconscious. Sho carried him, amazed of how little the other weighted considering his height. But still, carrying a taller guy was complicated no matter how you look at it. After what it looked like ages and kilometers of walking, he finally arrived in front of his door and in a movement that he had no clear how he was able to do and in a cool way he wouldn’t be able to repeat again, he managed to opened the door, still holding Mr. Nothing.

“Ah… why do I always have to do this kind of cool things when nobody sees me?”

As soon as he managed to get in, he placed him over his futon and went to pick a glass of water and his first aid kit and moved again close to the stranger. He started to treat the wounds wondering when the other would wake up.

“Who are you Mr. Nothing?”

Sho started to remove the other’s shirt checking the wounds when he saw it, Sho was shocked, what he should do? He pulled the shirt back in its place and started walking around the room. There was no way that was because of the beat he had just gotten. Then what was it? what were all those scars and wounds? He moved closer to the other and checked again, there, besides some tattoos were an impressive amount of cuts. Some were already scars, but some looked really recent.

“What are you doing to yourself?”

Sho tried to recall the night they met, did he already had all of those that night? Well, it was obvious that some were previous, the scar were totally sealed. Then, how he didn’t notice? Well, actually, he just took off the other’s pants, so of course he couldn’t see them, and as far as he remembered he didn’t have any in his legs… right? Sho’s mind was working way too fast, trying to find the answer of what he had just seen.

In the middle of his questions, Sho fell asleep in the floor next to the futon, exhausted of all the previous events. It was already morning when he woke up to somebody moving by his side and a husky voice.

“Where am I?”

Sho turned around and saw the other staring around blankly, he coughed to clear his voice before trying to answer with his calmest voice.

“You’re in my room, you passed out in the middle of the alley and didn’t know where you lived-“

“Why? I told you to get lost, didn’t I?”

“I… I couldn’t leave you there unconscious”

Sho couldn’t believe the situation, the other didn’t care about his own safety, was he really expecting he’d leave him there?

“Why to worry? I’m not worth…”

Sho saw the emptiness inside the other’s eyes and how he tried to stand up and before he could leave, he grabbed his wrist.

“Wait, I’ll… I’ll make some breakfast, so stay a little more. It’s ok, really, it’s not a bother, ok? Stay”

For some reason, Sho didn’t want to let the other leave, he wanted to make sure he was fine; he wanted to protect him, to keep him besides him. It was not just about just fucking him, he wanted to do something for him… the emptiness inside his eyes was clenching his heart.

He saw him sitting again after some minutes of doubts. He could understand it, after all, the other didn’t know a thing about Sho.

“By the way, I’m Sakurai Sho…”

Sho gazed the other, wondering if he should ask him his name, or if the other would tell him… but then he heard it, the other wasn’t even looking at him when talking.

“I’m… Aiba Masaki”

B/N: Hi 軽 here! So mystery solved! or more like some of your guesses were right! xDD

I hope you are enjoying this series, I'm personal fan of angst and I'm having a blast with it. Leave some love for my lovely 暗 ok? Have a nice weekend!!!

* l: multi-chapter, * c: aiba masaki, * r: pg-13, * c: sakurai sho, * g: angst, * p: sakurai sho/aiba masaki, * c: matsumoto jun, + series: mr. nothing, * g: drama

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