Had two weirdass dreams last night, and they both took place in museums. o.O This is what I get for trying to figure out what sort of career I'd be happy with longterm. Blegh.
First one was some class field trip to a museum. Professor Richard took us and it was random. (As were the selection of people in my class o.O) But yeah. In the end the museum gets taken over by these three ghosts (young Japanese women, wearing this dark teal color. One looks totally alive and human, other it half skeleton/half skin, other is mostly skeleton) and they turn it into this crazy fort locking everyone in. Somehow it all turned out okay, don't really remember how. o.O;
Second was I was a curator of a museum and there was this big nighttime cocktail party with a few random people I actually kind of know (who'd been in previous dream) and a bunch of miscellaneous rich middle-aged people. So the night goes on and people start turning into zombie-like-things. They don't really seem to be out for brains, but their eyes are all dull and they're trying to kill everyone, so I'm not really going to make a whole lot distinctions there. They were pretty much able to communicate normally, they just tended to say things that were uncharacteristic of the person they were supposed to be. But it made it really hard to figure out who was and who wasn't one until it was too late to get away from them. ._. I managed to throw a few off of balconies, which really shows how much I care about my fictitious museum coworkers, I guess. To be fair, I started getting shot at by the cops who'd thought I'd gone insane and started murdering people, since you know... they were zombies able to talk, so they were able to go out and be all "OHNOES, WHY IS EVERYONE TRYING TO KILL ME? :(" before they started killing the cops too.
So yeah. I'm flinging priceless sharp and point artifacts off of balconies and realizing that the last time I ran into some people who seemed sentient still I should have just stuck with them. But they were these really shady guys who obviously weren't supposed to be there, but they were hunting a vampire or something which was supposed to have been the cause of all this, so I was just like "um, kay, whatevs. You do that, I'm going to keep trying to live."
Then it turned out that freaking vampire guy had this giant cat/wolf monster that he let loose on the museum grounds so I'm desperately running to get away from this crazy thing. Luckily it was more skeletally designed to climb trees than to run really fast over long distances, so somehow I was able to get the time to open a door and duck back into the building.
In the end, one of the vampire hunters was actually the vampire, so his partner and I apprehended him, right at the same time that a piece of the ceiling collapsed in the main hall, so I ran over there and some people had been crushed and someone else was freaking out about it. But we couldn't tell if they were zombies or not, and one of the seem seemed okay, so we just sorta moved the rubble off of them. Then the cops came and everything was okay, I guess.
I have this tendency that once a dream is over, or is nearing over, I start trying to "correct" it. Like "hmm, that didn't work so well, so let's make it more exciting like this..." so then there winds up being two giant cat monsters and they get distracted fighting each other and that's how I escape, since it seems odd that I'd be able to even if the creature was skeletally designed for a different sort of movement. *headdesk* Although having one is silly enough, so two was even sillier, so then I think I just added a lot more confrontations with zombies.
Honestly, that tendency is pretty obnoxious, since it just keeps the dream going in a loop whether I want it to or not. Wound up getting music from the Great Mouse Detective stuck in the back of my mind to dissolve it, and that worked well, except now it's still stuck in my head. ._.;
Oh, subconscious. Wtf. I do like how I occasionally have to fight with it. For a good part of the dream every time I tried to push someone off a balcony it didn't work, no matter how overbalanced they ought to have been, which really pissed off my logic abilities so I guess my lucid dreaming part of me put its foot down and was all "fuck this shit, I am throwing people off of balconies whether you think it's possible or not. D:" and then things just got a whole lot easier.
Yeeeah. On the upside, this whole museum curator thing sounds exciting, amirite? :D