Fic: The Twelve Labors of Sean Parker [The Social Network][MASTERPOST]

Dec 27, 2011 22:30

Title: The Twelve Labors of Sean Parker
Fandom: The Social Network
Characters/Pairings: Sean, Christy, Mark, Erica, Eduardo, Chris, ensemble (Mark/Eduardo, other pairings implied)
Summary: Meet Sean Parker. He's 24 years old, he hates most condescending authority figures as much as they hate him, and he's just joined a crime syndicate called the Harvard Connection. This is going to go well.
Word Count: 32,700
Notes: The roll of the dice got me shoshannagold for the tsnsecretsanta. From her wishlist, I plucked out, "Sean being a decent person," "soulbonding," "kidnapping," and "political/legal/spy AUs," and what actually came out of the whole thing was a mafia!AU with superpowers. Close enough! :D

Warnings: Um. Frank discussion of politics, privilege, race, and sexuality. Some accounts of police brutality. Minor character death.


The Twelve Labors of Sean Parker
one | two | three
[read in one part @ AO3]

character: christy lee, pairing: mark/eduardo, character: sean parker, character: mark zuckerberg, fandom: the social network, character: eduardo saverin

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