The Favorite Things Meme

Jun 10, 2005 10:05

I was tagged, from two directions at once! By kernezelda, *and* ctegan. I guess I *have* to do it now, huh?

1. Favorite scent: smell of fresh-cut grass/new leaves (it's a similar smell, in both cases. *sighs with pleasure*)

2. Favorite way to relax: what is this relax you speak of? I guess, either go for a quiet walk in the woods, or swim. It's a shame I don't do either of those things very often.

3. Favorite movie you own: Nausicaa in the Valley of the Winds -- as they say in Russia, "The old love doesn't rust." (Except maybe in the case of Star Wars. I don't know. *g*)

4. Favorite movie you don't already own: Totoro Come on, Disney, release it already! (Can you tell I'm in a Miyazaki mood? Gee, I wonder why. *points below* )

5. Favorite male movie star: Wow, this one is difficult! It changes depending on my mood, a lot of the time. But right now, I would say... probably Peter O'Toole. Those eyes!

6. Favorite female movie star: Audrey Hepburn

7. Favorite book genre: Fantasy

8. Favorite clothing store: I don't like clothing stores.

9. Favorite non-clothing store: Barnes & Noble (although the one near my house is not all that good)

10. Favorite cartoon character: Um, would that be an animated cartoon or comic book cartoon? Bucky, from Get Fuzzy. (Narrowly beating out Hobbes, from Calvin and Hobbes) I would have said the dog from Get Fuzzy, too, but I suddenly realized that I can't remember his name, and I figured that if I claim someone is my favorite character, I should probably remember his or her name. What *is* his name, anyway? This is going to bug me now, I can tell!

11. Favorite CD you own: Well, I put everything on the ipod, and then listen to it on shuffle all day, so I barely even think about music in terms of CDs anymore, but I guess... the Okudjava CD I got in Russia a few years ago. No matter what kind of other music I get interested in, listening to the Russian Bards never fails to give me a thrill.

12. Favorite CD you don't already own: No idea.

13. Pass the torch to five of your favorite LJ friends!: Gah! I haven't been keeping track of who's done this meme yet! I guess... leozz, thassalia, elishavah, kixxa, simplystars. It's OK if you don't do it -- I was just curious what you'd say. :)

And now, a PSA: Hayao Miyazaki's newest movie, Howl's Moving Castle, is coming out in US theaters *today*! Finally, after more than a year of waiting! Everybody should go see it, as soon as possible. Come on, it's Miyazaki! You know you'll love it. *tries to lower expectations to a slightly more acceptable level and fails*

In celebration of this occasion, and to make me feel better about the fact that I'm actually *not* going to see this movie today, I went looking at older Studio Ghibli film reviews, because that never fails to cheer me up. I say Studio Ghibli films, instead of just Miyazaki films, because one of the movies I always like to look in on is Grave of the Fireflies, which *isn't* a Miyazaki movie, for all that it's now forever linked in my mind with Totoro. I especially like to read reviews of this movie by American movie critics who aren't necessarily used to the serious side of anime, because I love to see how many different ways they can think of to say "Waaah! A cartoon just made me cry, damnit!" while still sounding like professionals. (One of these days, I *will* write that post on why I love Grave of the Fireflies that I keep threatening to write. Unfortunately, that day will not be today.)

"What can you say about an animated movie that brings despair and continually makes your eyes well up with tears?"

"One of the most devastating anti-war films ever made, animated or otherwise."

"Incredibly moving. The ultimate tear-jerker."

"A very moving, but depressing movie."

"The Most Human Cartoon You'll Ever See."

*points and laughs* Yes, I do sometimes laugh at other people's pain. Is that so wrong?

And, on a completely different topic, PSA #2: I suspect everybody I know in CA has already read about this, but just in case, I might as well repost it: weaselchopsaw is looking for a good home for three kittens, anywhere in the greater LA area. God, I want Kitten #2 so much! In fact, I just really, really want a kitten, in general. *goes off to plot complex ways she can get around the condo association's no pets rule* Do you think anyone would believe the kitten is really just a really short human child dressed up as a cat? No, I don't think so either. *sigh*
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