Hey! Why didn't anybody tell me that there is a
new Wallace and Gromit movie coming out soon?! People are already talking about movies that are coming out next *year*; there are Narnia icons everywhere I look, and Narnia isn't coming out 'till December. And the only reason I even saw anything about an upcoming Wallace and Gromit movie was because I
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Comments 22
You know, I actually *bought* Wensleydale cheese once, specifically because I remembered Wallace saying that, and I was curious to try it out. It, um... wasn't very good. But I was still grinning from ear to ear as I ate it. ;)
I think they might actually be planning a *series* of Narnia movies, like they did for the Lord of the Rings, but the only one I know for sure about is the first one. The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe is coming out in December. I admit that I've been sort of dreading it, but the trailer looks really good.
Oh! I've been really bad about posting lately, but I've recently *ahemed* a copy of the whole Impulse run (except for about 5 issues that *refused* to come through, for some reason... Still, that's about 80 issues of Impulsey goodness.) Would you, um... like me to send you a copy? *g*
(And after reading the whole run, I think that Riddler Impulse issue is still my favorite. I have *got* to post it on scans_daily again, now that I have the scans!)
Would you, um... like me to send you a copy? *g*
Gee, lemme think about this one....
Yeah, most of the icons I found were actually on LJs of friends of my friends that I was checking out, because I was curious. (Specifically, this post, because it amused me. ;) ) But at least they are out there! I haven't seen any Wallace and Gromit icons...
Gee, lemme think about this one....
So, is that a yes? *whistles innocently and hides pimping hat behind back*
I've got to warn you -- it's pretty frustrating to have *almost* the whole run, but not all of it. I've been desperately searching for the issues I don't have and coming up blank. *grumbles* But I don't think any of the issues I don't have are cruicial to understanding the story, or anything...
Glad I'm not the only one excited about Wallace and Gromit!
*hugs you* I'm glad you had a good time at Comic Con! *is insanely jealous* ;)
Did you look at the short movies I mentioned? They were very cute, I thought. *g*
It's perfect! Thank you so much! :D
*tries out her new icon as soon as possible*
*loves you*
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