So, my parents got kittens this weekend. (My father said this was done "somewhat spontaneously", but I am not sure I would call "talking about it for at least several *months* (I remember discussing cat names in early May), then staring in horror at the application forms we would have to fill out to adopt from the closest humane society (They had *
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Comments 28
I don't think I'll be able to make it on Saturday, but how about sometime Sunday morning? Anyway, I'll email you. :)
Also, that icon is just too cute for words. Kittens, yay! :D
... It's just... all the cats we've had before have been so *happy* being outdoor cats, whatever problems or dangers they faced there. I am not sure it's fair to deny these kittens that same chance. *pats the kittens on the head* We'll just have to be extra nice to them, I guess. *g*
They are lovely. There is nothing cuter than baby kitties.
And yeah, just being around those kittens for a few hours has made me yearn for kittens of my own. I've spent all week thinking about sneaking in a kitten of my own into my apartment, condo rules be damned. The only thing that is stopping me is that then I would have to clean out my storage room, so I that can turn it into a room for the kitten, and I am too damn lazy to do so. Ah, laziness. It's probably the only thing that will save me from getting evicted from my condo. ;)
And really, Mist is much darker than I remembered him being from when we got him. We called him Mist because he's gray, but he's really more like a really dark thundercloud than like mist. *g*
LOL at saying he's a thunder cloud because we call our silvery-grey Claudia "cloudy girl" or "rain cloud". :-)
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