OK, after reading about 10 posts in a row on my flist panicking being very unhappy about the new LJ/facebook/twitter cross-posting things, I've got to admit that... I don't really understand what the big deal is.
Or rather, let me rephrase that - I do understand why people don't want comments from their locked posts to be cross-posted. I think
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Comments 4
(Although, hm. The cross-posting boxes being right above the "post comment" button actually is pretty annoying - much too easy to click accidentally! I think I'll go try that css fix that removes them from my style now.)
ETA: Oh, awesome! That fix worked beautifully. *is happy now*
though, given the *massive* size difference between FB and Twitter, versus LJ, the exposure to a post is infinitely higher, and it links to people's real names.
i'd guess that it isn't the posts so much as the removal of the fandom "veil" that's freaking people out.
I guess I see what you are saying. I can understand the anxiety that comes from the realization that people you know in real life are just a few easy steps away from finding your fannish LJ and finding out all about a part of your life that you wanted to keep private. But the thing is, that has always been the case. I don't think the cross-posting options have made it that much more likely that people's LJs will be discovered. And given that, maybe it's not a bad thing that people are now more aware of that possibility ( ... )
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