- Orientation happened. I got lost approximately 284732979 times, but nevermind. XD It's just going to take a semester (or two, or three, or four) to figure out where the hell everything is, that's all. So that went pretty okay, minus that. Got a few things done that needed to be taken care of, like I have my student ID and my minors have been declared and whatnot.
- There was some angst about class scheduling stuff before orientation, as some of you on Tumblr might've seen, but it's fixed now and I have my schedule. I did put in for six classes, so I just have to decide if I'm keeping that or if I'm going to take one of those off. I'm of two minds on that, really: I do have to take 18 credits one semester, so I might as well get it over with now while I'm not taking any upper level classes. On the other hand, this is a new school with probably higher expectations, so six classes could be way too much for my first semester here. :/ Anyway, I haven't made the chart yet, but classes include Sociology of Gender, Classics of Western Literature, Women Creating Change, Intro to LGBTQ Studies, Intro to English Studies, and Intro to Writing in English Studies. All are things they're either making me take (see: all the English stuff) or count toward the minors. No fluff!
- Finished the first season of Once Upon a Time, and predicted that they jumped the shark really badly. Sure enough, I'm two episodes into the second season and I'm BORED. I'm not even sure why I'm still watching it, actually, aside from pure masochism.
- Also finished season four of MLP (not as amusing as earlier seasons, not gonna lie, but the best episode by far was the one with Flutterbat. :P), and the new season of Free! has started. I don't really have any commentary on that so far that I haven't put other places- mainly that they're openly begging for AU fic with that ED, and they're trying to make me a Haru/Rin shipper. I don't appreciate the last point. I'll be honest here, I'd probably ship it already except a) Haru/Mako, dude; and b) RIn's teeth freak me out. Like, how is he supposed to do stuff without causing unwanted bodily injury? It's a huge DO NOT WANT for me.
- Managed to finish NPT, somehow, even though I mostly left it to the last minute and I really, REALLY shouldn't have. XD But I had a super seekrit someone look over it and apparently it's not completely terrible, so there's that. XD (Man, I wish I'd realized during Shipswap that you can edit fics right up until they go live. I totally could've traumatized Ai with that Nico/Leo thing. XD) So now it's just Hikago Exchange that's due soon, which I actually have two fics half started for, it's just a matter of which one I finish first. XD Oh, and I have a prompt from Tumblr that I'm working on (at last count, it was over 700 words, oops). And all the fic, basically.
- I also lost my ID at some point? :/ I tore my room completely apart, but I didn't find it, so I guess I need a new one. Good news is that I was able to order a new one online in about two minutes because I wasn't changing any information. The wonders of the internet. XD Of course, we all know that now that I've done that, I'll find the old one in a place it shouldn't logically be- a winter jacket or somewhere I've looked ten thousand times already or something else totally insane, but what can you do. XD On the upside, I have my passport card should I need an ID between now and when the replacement arrives in two weeks or so.
- Facebook is so much more trouble than it's worth, honestly. Ugh. I insta-defriended someone from high school the other night after he wrote a horrifyingly sexist rant that I can basically sum up as "not all men, it's women too, it's your own fault if you dress like that, whine whine whine." I guess that's the one good thing about FB showing me comments people make on other people's pages, which is a practice that normally horrifies me on principle.
- Will probably be scarce the next few days- Kelly apparently managed to fuck up her computer, so guess who gets to make it all better when she comes over with it? *sigh*
Aaaaand now back to "Why the fuck am I doing this to myself: Teen Wolf Edition" XD Yes, I've apparently decided to torture myself with this shit again (I'm on episode 3 of season 1), mostly because I have Amazon Student anyway, so I figure I might as well use it more than once a semester. XD
This has been crossposted to my DW account. You are free to comment either here or
there, if you'd like to comment. Preferably here, but it doesn't really matter. Whichever one works for you. :D