Twins. We found out days ago and I still can't really believe it. I was really just starting to wrap my head around being a dad to one kid and now I've got to figure this out for two.
I am scared so shitless. I don't know how we're going to manage this, especially if I quit work to stay home, but we're going to have to. I've been talking to Oskar about everything. He's not a dad, but he might as well be one to Dean. If Oskar can pull something like that off, then surely I can. At least Brielle and I've got loads of people around that will either be more than willing to help or we can bribe into helping. That eases my worries just a little.
At least she's happy. That's what really matters I think.
I think I'm going to take a few more shifts than I'd planned to before it's time for the twins. We're going to need the money, that's for sure.
You know it's an interesting St Patrick's Day when you're thinking about it three days later.