So... I'm about to take the plunge and join a weight loss program.
I know I'm not huge, and that my weight for the most part translates into bodacious curves. Which I love! But I'm still a good 25 pounds over the recommended body weight for my height. I admit I don't really love having a convex waistline. And I've been going up in sizes in the past couple of years, and would really like to make that stop, if only because outgrowing my clothes is annoying. And then there's this whole wedding thing coming up, and I guess I am just girlie enough to want to look a little bit more svelte in the fancy white dress.
But the biggest reason is that I don't really feel quite like ME anymore. I'm by nature a sproingy, bouncy person, and this extra weight has been making me feel far more earthbound than I can handle. I don't expect to become waify, but I do want to be able to do the
Plow in pilates class without so much belly chub getting in the way. And I want Tim to be able to toss me around without it being a major exercise.
There are also health concerns. First of all, I am more of an "apple-shaped" person, which is stereotypically the more disease-prone way to carry weight (you hourglass and pear people are lucky!). And secondly, obesity and diabetes run in both sides of my family (I come from a long line of ladies who loved their abundant salami and ravioli and cream and Sunday roasts and Finnish coffee cake...), and both are things I would dearly like to avoid.
So... the diet. I've watched friends have great success with Weight Watchers, and I've been steeling myself to give it a try. I hate the idea of having to spend the $$, but then again I know I'm too flighty and impulsive to keep track of things without the structure of some sort of external apparatus. (In the interest of economy, I just checked out two free online diet-tracker sites, but intensely disliked both of them. WW seems friendlier and better-designed.) WW plus kicking myself over to the gym more often seems to be the way to go.
I love my bodaciousness, and, believe me, I know it is genetically impossible for me to be anything but curvy. It would be mental to try to do away with that. I just want to be healthy, and I need to feel free to move again.