rainy day tubes

Aug 08, 2016 20:29

Trying to keep occupied, while waiting to start production on The Thing.

It will involve bits of tube being chopped off a longer bit of tube, and so far I have struggled with lengths being fed into my cutoff saw. Might as well do something about that. Last night I used the design table to draw a thing.

Today I made it.

Take one pile of bits of scrap. Such luck, the smaller tube fits inside the larger tube with about a millimeter spare, ie a half millimeter gap all round. Perfect, since diff/gearbox oil will fill that gap well, as will any defects on the interior coating of the big pipe.

First I need the angle and a center stop to support the top roller bits.

Then I need the core bearing surface of the top bits.

Following this, might as well have the rolling sleeves on the top bits. Note also threaded ends cut into the support rods, for retaining nuts.

Could attach the big tube to the flywheel I suppose, obviously at a decent approximation of perpendicularity to the ground, and put in a stop-bolt up the top.

Then I guess take everything apart and buff all the facing surfaces where possible, which are all zinc coated due to the pipe scrap used, coat them in leftover hypoid 90 oil, slide it all together, and for all intensive porpoises I have made a v-roller height-adjustable tube support stand for the feeding of stock into a cutoff device such as a saw table or bandsaw....

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2 hours getting motivated on the shittiest day of the year so far, saved a hundred bucks.
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