Everything About Her (6/13)
Chapter title: Belonging
Rating: R
Summary: A collection of short one-shots that show Lamb's POV during Veronica's pregnancy
Characters/Pairing: Veronica/Lamb, Keith
Spoilers: entire series but AU from 3X14
Word Count: 1072
Disclaimer: I don't own Veronica Mars
A/N: This is a Follow up to my fic 'A Kiss Before Dying' which you should read first. Follow this link to the last chapter which contains links to the whole story: .com/veronica_
This follows the months of Veronica's pregnancy and focuses on certain events or experiences, in no specific order.
Thanks to everyone who has reviewed, alerted and/or favorite!
For most fathers the connection doesn't begin until they see their child.
They aren't the ones feeding and nourishing their child for 9 months. Their bodies don't grow as the baby grows. They don't have hormone imbalances or hot flashes. They don't feel that initial bond from being part of one another.
Basically it isn't real for them until the first time they hold their child in their arms and realize that the tiny creature is part of them, was created by them. That's when the connection takes hold.
But for me, like with most things during Veronica's pregnancy, I feel the connection, that feeling of belonging almost immediately.
The first time I hold my hand on her belly, knowing that my child is growing inside of her, I'm fully invested. As sappy as it sounds, as far as I'm concerned the love that Veronica and I share created that life.
But then I also have to admit that it isn't complete, at least not right away.
So like I said, for most fathers it's the moment they hold their son or daughter. For me, it comes much earlier.
The first time she asks me to go with her I'm nervous as hell. She mentioned it the day I woke up but hasn't really pushed the subject, not until the day I'm released and she reminds me that her first ultra sound is the next day.
I'm thrilled she wants me to go with her, but I still have that initial trepidation that most men get when the women in their lives mention visiting that one specific doctor.
I don't really know what to expect and I'm not so sure how I feel about sitting there watching while some doctor probes around between her legs in an area that's restricted to me, and me only. As far as I'm concerned they get special VIP access for the delivery, but other than that, they should just stay away. Trespassers will be shot; I do have a gun you know.
They take us right back to the room and Veronica just hops up on the bed and smiles at me when I stupidly ask. "Don't you need to get undressed?"
She gives me a funny look before reaching out for my hand. "Don, calm down, it's going to be fine."
By this point I've perused the décor of the office and I'm beyond uncomfortable, I know what Veronica's organs looked like on the outside and what they feel like, that's the part that matters to me, but I don't care to know what they look like on the inside. I just smile shakily and kiss her forehead. "Yeah, I know. I'm sorry. This is just a little weird for me."
She smiles and cups my face in her hands pulling me down to her. "Will you feel better if I tell you what's going to happen?"
No probably not, especially if it concerns you naked and spread eagle in front of some man who probably became an OB/GYN just to be elbow deep in pussy for the rest of his life. But instead of saying that, I just go with a simple. "Maybe."
"Ok, well I don't need to get undressed for this; it's just the ultrasound, ok?" I nod and she continues. "In fact, I probably won't have to until much later when they check me to see how dilated I am." Uhhhh, oh god, I do not like the sound of that. "But basically, in a normal visit the doctor just pokes some spots on my belly and weighs me, takes blood, etc. But today is different, all that's gonna happen is the ultrasound technician is gonna spread some goo on my stomach and then run this little wandy thingy over it and… TA-DA! Baby's first picture."
I can't help but smile at her as she excitedly explains it all to me and I have to admit that I feel a little bit better. So I pull her closer and kiss her forehead and that's when I realize that she's shaking. It's subtle but definitely there, so I pull back and look in her eyes. "Baby, you ok?"
Her eyes are shining and there are a few tears in her eyes. "Yeah… Um yeah, I'm just really excited." And then her face breaks into the biggest, most beautiful smile I've ever seen. "Don, we get to see our baby today."
And with that I can't contain the smile on my face, her happiness is flat out fucking contagious. As I'm about to respond, the technician walks into the room, followed by a female doctor, thank god, and starts getting everything ready. I sit on a stool next to the bed, hold Veronica's hand and just wait impatiently.
The technician does everything that Veronica said she would and when that wand moves over her slightly raised belly and the picture shows up on the screen, there are tears in my eyes before I can stop them. I feel Veronica sqeeze my hand and she kisses it as I finally look over at her to see similar tears in her eyes.
She's heard the heartbeat on numerous occasions, even played me a recording of it which made my heart soar. But to actually see our baby... Well fuck, that just makes it even more real and that's the moment I realize that it's all true. Veronica Mars is mine and she's having my baby. That's the moment I connect with my child and I will never forget the feelings of pride, joy, and belonging that I feel.
"Look babe, we made that. That's our baby."
And before I can stop them, the words are out of my mouth and the technician is giggling. "God I love you."
"You too." Veronica smiles and looks back at the screen as I lean in the kiss her forehead.
After that I go to all her appointments with her, even the ones late in her pregnancy where they poke and prod her nether regions because I don't want to miss anything. I know how short and precious life is and refuse to stand idly by.
Of course I turn the chair the other away and stare at the wall while she has her feet in the stir ups and that makes both her and her doctor laugh, but hey, I'm there, that's what matters. And I always will be there, because not only do they belong to me, but I belong to them.
Chapter Seven
http://community.livejournal.com/veronica_lamb/61848.html Thanks for reading! Review please!
So I have a question for you all. I have a series of one shots after this fic that continue their story. Do you guys want me to post them as separate one shots of a fic of one shot chapters like this one?