This is why I don't get anything done...

Dec 19, 2008 10:22

I walked home this morning from my friend Ariel's apartment and it was 13 effing degrees outside. It took my breath away, literally.
I freaking love the snow. Here are some pictures that I took from Melia's recently un-stolen camera (it was stolen at my birthday party, but we brought that bitch DOWN).

My house is so pretty in the snow.

This is how I feel about the snow!

Koop and I walked 13 miles in the snow, uphill both ways. With no shoes.

On my birthday I stir drinks with ninja swords.

Don't stick your finger in my beer, you twat.

Don't eat my glasses either.

But I love you!

Green olive eyes!!!! Ahahaha!

We found a mini shopping cart on the way home.

Freewheelers bike posse club. Ariel, myself and Koop.

Hey look! It's my car! This is why I ride a bike now :)

I haven't rode my bike in DAYS, I'm feeling lardy and lazy so I'm going to the gym. BYE!
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