A little essay about why violence is not the answer.
Top Three Reasons Why Violence is a No-no
There are so many ways to achieving ends and outcomes. One of them is violence. Violence simply put, is just a way of manipulating people to get what you so selfishly want using very intense force, usually by instilling pain and hurting another, probably by words, or worse, physical contact.
As people may say, violence is the ultimate weapon, after all, who could say no when one is receiving agonizing pain in different and deviously creative ways. But let me tell you this, violence is not the option you would want to choose, violence is the most traveled road and as Robert Frost says, “I took the one less traveled by.” So maybe we, too, should take that road less traveled and here are the reasons why violence, the road most traveled is a no-no.
Number one, it hurts. People get hurt, physically and emotionally and the pain goes both ways. Even those who are the cause of this pain get hurt too. They may feel it very hard to admit but yes, they too, get hurt. The fact that they have caused pain on another, there is this little voice automatically screaming in their brain, gnawing on their conscience and it’s called, regret. Unless of course there are people who really have no feelings, which I doubt. There must be even just a tiny voice in there somewhere, possibly squeaking but it’s still there.
Number two, because people get hurt, people get angry and almost every time, this leads to vengeance. It’s a domino effect of violence spreading all over the place, like dust in the wind. People get hurt, they’d want revenge, and they’d hurt too and it keeps on going and going and it’s very hard to stop. After all, what else is the product of violence aside from violence? Knives can never produce daisies.
The last and most important reason is in the form of a question. Ask yourself, would you want to be violently treated? If you said yes then something is terribly wrong with you. Although if you said no, which majority of the world’s population did and which everyone should have answered, then maybe you should think again before you throw a punch here or a profanity there.
Think about it, you wouldn’t want to be harassed violently and the person next to you doesn’t either and wouldn’t the world be such a better place if the rate of violent people went down a notch? Like what I have written on the first part of this essay, there are so much ways to get what you want and there are so many alternatives to violent schemes. One of them is perseverance, just keep persisting and eventually, people will get a little annoyed and give you what you want! Or perhaps strike a decent deal where everything is fair and square, not to mention, legal too.
What this whole essay just comes down to is: why not choose the alternative option, the road less traveled? I bet it would be more effective because no one gets hurt and you wouldn’t have to exert extra effort to make up harsh insults or take an extra step back to get momentum for a punch. On a bigger scale, it would help each and every person in this world who is trying to lessen violence because less violence means more friends.