Las’ week ‘as been somethin’ ta recall, what with
all the folk comin’ in and out. Though there’s still no word on
the pump af’er the
las’ situation. Ma head ain’t sat right since.
Wa’ nev’r good when it came ta lead objects, mind.
Apart from that, not at all much ta say.
Albion ain’t yet seemed ta figure out how ta get me home, though with tha excitement goin’ ‘round, I don’t much mind.
Angel’s let me an’
Woody take on one o’ his cases. ‘Spect they’re tryin’ ta keep me occupied.
Wood’s been insultin’ me, sayin’ I could use a lotta trainin’. Toy, I showed him a thing or two ta change his mind. I think he jus’ likes ta rile me up, personally.
‘S a bit early, a coupla hours af’er dawn. I get tha feelin’ this is the time where ev’ryone gets some sleep, all the work’s af’er dark, or somethin’. It’s jus’ the quiet that gets to me. Didn’t rightly think there wa’ such a thing back home.
I think I’m gonna miss this place. Jus’ don’ tell
Faith, don’ wan’ her ta think I’ve gone soft.