[ ooc | permissions ]

Feb 12, 2020 10:42

Alright, considering that Fuuma's abilities besides his telekinesis are a bit hard to describe normally, plus they're a bit on the godmod-side, making a permissions post.

* First off is an ability that Fuuma has honestly no control over, and is really more for the lulz than anything else. For some inexplicable reason, at random times, he reminds/resembles the person that the person he's talking to loves most. Direct examples from the series include how he looks like Seishirou to Subaru, and also how he reminds Yuzuriha of Kusanagi. These come and go in flashes, and is completely harmless.

* The second ability, and the one that I'm making this post mostly for, is Fuuma's ability to grant the wishes of those around him. Now these aren't material wishes, these are more like the deepest wishes within someone's heart. In the actual manga, this somehow translated into someone dying most of the time (i.e. he set up the chain of events that allowed Subaru to kill Seishirou as per Seishirou's wishes, and Nataku's wish). However, he will let someone live if they truly wish to. (i.e. The girl at Ebisu and Yuzuriha)

So, because of that, I'm putting up the permissions post. Take your time with this, guys, I don't expect Fuuma to be granting wishes straight-out. Although, the stronger the wish, the more compelled Fuuma's going to feel in granting said wish.

Username | Character: Pretty straight-forward.
Who will Fuuma resemble?: Also straight-forward, links to pics would be great. ♥
What is your character's true wish?: This is the part that gets a bit complicated. What is their motivation for doing what they are, what do they want to accomplish, that sort of thing.

Username | Character:
Who will Fuuma resemble?:
What is your character's true wish?:


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