Go here and copy/paste the lists as often as you see fit.
Once accepted, please comment to this post with 'friend add yourusername' and we'll add you to the list.
Alternatively, if you are dropping, please comment to this post with 'friend remove yourusername'
Friend add:
friend add city_of_versus
friend add versus_mod
friend add versus_logs
friend add versus_ooc
friend add angelicdissent
friend add chasing_fury
friend add cloudy_reverie
friend add cook_of_love
friend add dancing_fans
friend add dynamic_may_lee
friend add fogliadacero
friend add guardian_conrad
friend add imadeer
friend add im_no_me
friend add killer_legguard
friend add layerofdirt
friend add muda_da
friend add noturauntie
friend add oyajiiiiiiiiii
friend add reflectedwaters
friend add rutenberg_spy
friend add skies_shaking
friend add south_is_colder
friend add thiefcat
friend add warrior_wez
Friend remove:
friend remove attractingbast
friend remove cause_solution
friend remove cutsyouup_j
friend remove directassault
friend remove disguisekun
friend remove dorarara
friend remove dynamite_mary
friend remove eat_chain
friend remove educing
friend remove eurekaitwatari
friend remove gottadoathing
friend remove gurandorisaru
friend remove guy_no_phobic
friend remove hey_cmoncmon
friend remove hocuspocuskitty
friend remove humanstrength
friend remove innocentrunaway
friend remove jaded_feathers
friend remove mistcaller
friend remove mokuseisenshi
friend remove pearljamchef
friend remove petitesorceress
friend remove proudfist
friend remove puuonme
friend remove rosa_di_fortuna
friend remove shatterproofice
friend remove skyblooming
friend remove str8jkt_fashion
friend remove strawhatcaptn
friend remove stringorarara
friend remove suninhispants
friend remove taekwondozephyr
friend remove truearcherartes
friend remove vulturesnamedme
friend remove yomiko_thepaper
Last Updated: 07-14-09.