Versus FAQ and Rules

Jan 26, 2009 01:53


1. Where the hell are we?
The City of Versus, domain of the War God, Spekkio. If one could give a contemporary, think the fictional city Southtown from the Fatal Fury series. The entire region is centered around the Arena, a giant combatitorium where the many games and tournaments are held. The city has most everything you'd need. There's grocers, restaurants, hospitals, hotels, and various other institutions. Basically, if you're curious as to if Versus has something, just ask us.

2. How did I get here?
Well you oughta know that one, silly. You were invited and accepted it. In this game, the characters voluntarily enter the City of Versus, having received an invitation from Spekkio himself to participate in his games. Your character will arrive at the Train Station, though how they get there from their own world is entirely up to them. Their motivations for accepting the invitation are also up to them. But keep in mind that you are not absconded from your canon world.

3. Where is my character staying?
Initially, all combatants will be staying in the House of Arms, a hotel/apartment complex designed specifically to cater to the fighters. They will be assigned rooms and roommates. There is a full danger room-like training area so that they can stay in top shape, capable of producing training scenarios on any level. The House of Arms is extremely high end and elegant. Fighters are given the five star treatment and can have just about any whim fulfilled.

4. What if my character is not a fighter?
Well, the non-fighters that choose to work at the House of Arms will have their own quarters, but they are nothing fancy. If they work at the Arena, they will also have housing quarters. Like with the House of Arms, these are community quarters, so expect many people to a room. If they don't work in either, there are other hotels and apartments they can stay at, but they are hardly as fancy as the House of Arms. Basically, in this town, fighters are treated like royalty, and the rest of us working joes have to scrape by.

5. Okay, who's this Spekkio guy?
Blatantly lifted from the game "Chrono Trigger", Spekkio is a delightful, if easily bored, God of War. His form changes depending on who is looking at him, having no concrete shape. Heck, we only assume he's male because he tells us. But he really is a nice guy... well, nice by his standards. Spekkio's morality is very different from normal people, and his sense of humor tends to border on the dark more often than not. But hey, if you ever want to challenge him to a match, you're welcome to. You won't win, but you're welcome to.

6. How does money work here?
Considering all characters coming in HAVE to be employed in some fashion (you cannot be unemployed coming into the game, though losing your job is possible), you will be earning some currency. Fighters, naturally, are paid more than most. Fighters that win often, or champions, receive massive amounts of cash to splurge as they like.


1. Why is my character here?:
To put it simply, if you're a fighter, you're here to fight. If you're not a fighter, you're here to serve the city and the fighters.

To break things down, fighters participate in the Games and Tournaments, hosted by Spekkio. The games vary in type and theme, from all out brawls, to tag team matches, rumbles, and various "deathmatches" (not actually to the death). During a match, unless the rules of the match state otherwise, combatant powers are "re-balanced" via pre-match handicaps. For example, while Son Goku could blow Spike Spiegel into a fine mist of blood and gore in his canon, if the two were matched in the Arena, the more powerful one would be toned down so that they can fight on equal terms. Or, if the match calls for it, the weaker opponent will be made to be significantly stronger. The Games will work much like events, happening periodically and always changing to keep things interesting.

Non-combatants are the gears in the machine that is Versus. They work at the Arena, the House of Arms, and various other locales in the city. They are medics, food service workers, maids, managers, promoters, bartenders, "entertainers", security force, journalists, and anything else you can think of. No character truly cannot fit in to Versus, it just takes a bit of creativity. An example would be a character like the cast of Ouran High School Host Club still having their host club, or running new businesses entirely. A character like Mello from Death Note could be an information broker of sorts. It's up to the player, after all, but they all get the same invitation in the end.

2. You said that powers are affected inside the Arena... What about outside?
That's a very excellent question. Well, Spekkio is sort of lazy, in spite of harping on others for it. He doesn't handicap powers AT ALL outside the Arena or the House of Arms (they are still uncapped in the Training Hall, though). This means you are at full power when going about town. This means some people might abuse their powers outside. But, as lazy as Spekkio is, there ARE laws in this town. Very basic laws such as no killing, no stealing, and the like. And if you break them, there IS punishment. The punishment is determined by Spekkio himself, and is often entirely dependent on the character committing the crime. Personalized punishments can be either harmless or extremely harsh, depending. Security forces, obviously, will be provided with the tools needed to apprehend ANY character. Say if Superman suddenly decided to punch off someone's head, they would be armed with Kryptonite in order to subdue him.

3. What if my character dies?
Spekkio hates losers. There's no good excuse for dying in Versus, according to him, so all "losers" are punished by being sent to the sprawling dungeon beneath the city known as the Home for Infinite Losers. You will have to fight your way out of this hell in order to prove you are worthy of still being in his city, otherwise you just get to stay down there. He MAY take pity on you, in rare cases, but it's not likely. Walk it off, tough guy.

4. What are the rewards for winning the Games?
On top of various purses and other such prizes, there are Championships to be won and defended. With these titles come prestige, honor, fame, and some of the best treatment at the House of Arms (you go from being treated like a king to being treated like an emperor... or even a god). The titles are as follows:

  • Multiverse Champion - The top title that can be won. Having this title means you are the very best of the best of the best.
  • Versus Champion - The second tier title. It's not as prestigious as the Multiverse Championship, but it will still get you a lot of perks. Often times this title is contended by what Spekkio calls "mid carders", or people who aren't a top draw but have a lot of potential to move up the tier.
  • Tag Team Champions - This should be self explanatory. It's the title held by the best two person team in Versus.
  • Deathmatch Champion - Only the most extreme, bloodthirsty, and insane can hold this title. This is the reward given to best deathmatch fighter in Versus.

5. How is contendership determined?
The flow of the game determines who holds and fights for the belts. Obviously all characters will participate in the Games to some regard, but it's really how the players play that will determine who wins and who loses. The mods will make the call on who gets what belt most of the time, though. Typically, the more active you are, the more likely your character is to hold a title. This is just done in the interest of fairness. It goes without saying that only one character per player can hold a title at any given time and no player can have two of their own characters hold the Tag Team belts.

Other Information

1. Do I post in the main community or my character's journal?
Not in the main community. This is for plot related posts by the mods and NPCs only. You will make all first person entries through your characters' journals, which are your stereotypical portable computers. Third person logs will go in the log community, ooc posts in the ooc community.

2. Is there internet in Versus?
Nope. And none of that pesky 4th-Wall breaking either. Your characters, unless provided a canon example of them knowing such (such as Gintama), will not know the fandoms of other characters. Of course, characters that canonly break their OWN 4th wall (such as Okage or Disgaea), may do so.

3. So my character willingly comes here? What if they're dead?
Then they got the invitation postmortem. Use your imagination here.

4. What if I want to app a character that exists in multiple universes? (Example: FF7 Cloud and KH Cloud)
If it can be proven that they ARE different characters from a CANON alternate universe (I'm looking at YOU Marvel Comics), then yes, we allow either version. It is possible to have both regular Wolverine and Age of Apocalypse Wolverine in this game at the same time.

5. Can I app an original character?
Unfortunately, with the freedom an OC allows, it also allows freedom to twink, and this is something we'd rather avoid for the time being. We may reconsider some time down the road, but for now, OCs are not appable. We suggest our affiliate used_future if you wish to play an OC. If you're looking for Spekkio's past time, keep reading.


1. NO GODMODDING WHATSOEVER! This is a combat oriented game, obviously, and the mods will be watching EVERY fight event log very carefully to make sure this rule is strictly adhered to.

2. Please do not use excess formatting on your posts. Color changes are fine, but keep blinky, sparkly, or huge fonts to a minimum.

3. This is a pan-fandom game. We accept apps for characters from anime, manga, books, movies, video games, television series, etc.

4. Do not, I repeat, do not join the communities until your character has been approved. If you do? Your application will be automatically declined. Got it?

5. Drama free zone. If you have a problem with a mun, bring it up to them. Don't drag it into the game. Remember, kids. IC =/= OOC and OOC =/= IC. Don't ruin a good game because you have a grudge.

6. The current limit for characters each person may have is FIVE. And to go with this? Absolutely no original characters are allowed. Nonono. Begging won't help you with this.

7. Additionally, this game is a het, yaoi, and yuri tolerant zone! ♥

8. Do not delete in character entries. If you feel there is a dramatic mistake in need of ret-con, contact a mod before taking action. Deleting entries is rude to the players who have made comments. Even if there are no comments, consult a mod first. Spekkio's favorite past time is inviting weenies to his barbecues.

!faq and rules

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