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m31andy, a meme. I apologise for the waste of time.
Comment and I will give you 3 interests on your list, and 3 icons,for you to explain. Then you must post the answers in your own journal and allow others to comment.
Uniformed People
Dude. Who doesn't like uniformed people? My original love used to be military uniforms, but lately, police uniforms have stolen my heart. >_>
Parrot Strangulation
It's not what you think! Put down the phone!
Seriously, this one actually comes from
crimsonquills. You know that voice you get inside, convincing you that you're not getting anywhere, that you should give up, etc. etc. etc.? She refers to that voice as "the Parrot". And in her own words, "You know what you have to do? Strangle the parrot!". She even has an
icon about it.
Wacky Scientific Experiments
This one got added the day they levitated a frog. No other reason.
Behold. It is the Verte Lemming. Verte being a word for green. This was my first icon, and happened when I brow-beat
rosaleendhu into colourising a lemming for me, which I then iconified.
This one I picked up simply because, every now and then, you need a facepalming icon.
... um. Yes. This one I grabbed simply because... well. Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!