100 Things About Running Entry #1

Apr 13, 2012 18:31

So I was at a loss as to things to blog about yesterday. My friend jdbracknell pointed me in the direction of her blogging challenge...

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100 things, running firsts

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Comments 5

hrymfaxe April 14 2012, 09:32:05 UTC
I saw your link over on JD's lj, and I couldn't resist reading about your running. I look forward to reading much more about it, and I can really relate to being someone who has almost avoided sport of any kind and then suddenly, and not knowing exactly why, deciding to just get started! (for me it was weightlifting, but the principle still holds ;)). Good on you for taking those first steps, and from the sound of your medals, keeping at it!


vertical_chaos April 14 2012, 19:32:27 UTC
Hey, thanks! :) I hope you enjoy it!


shiiki May 8 2012, 17:26:20 UTC
I'm here from the 100 things challenge post and your first story is really inspirational ... and I hope you don't mind me tracking and commenting on these. I'm interested!


vertical_chaos May 8 2012, 21:02:15 UTC
Awesome! I saw the response there (via email), just haven't made it over there yet to respond! Feel free to follow (and friend if you want) away!


shiiki May 9 2012, 06:25:51 UTC
Great! I'm always a bit wary because I don't want to step on anyone's toes and comments do get missed on the master post.

Anyway, you seem awesome! *friends*


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