100 Things About Running Entry #8

May 12, 2012 11:12

"It will change your life forever."

I kept hearing that as I was training for my first marathon. Variations (however slight) on the theme of "When you cross that finish line, it will change your life forever."

I heard it during pretty much every podcast of The Marathon Show.

I heard it every time I watched Spirit of the Marathon.

I read it in ( Read more... )

100 things, marathon, running, life changing moments

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Comments 2

shiiki May 12 2012, 19:08:01 UTC
I think you've said it well - that change-your-life-forever thing isn't big and obvious like a single life-changing moment, but the whole experience that becomes part of who you are and how you've lived up to now.

I've had similar feelings with sailing competitions. I thought it would feel special, because we'd trained for it and people hyped it up and I imagined how it would feel that moment we won, and then when I got there, it was almost a let-down, how normal I felt. I mean, I'd felt more accomplished in moments during training when I got something right that I'd been working on a long time.

So yeah, I agree with you that things like that don't hit the way you expect them to, but they do change you as a person.


vertical_chaos May 13 2012, 13:24:08 UTC

And so sorry for the f-ed up coding! Blergh! I'm spoiled to my wordpress blogs where I don't have to, they do it for me. :)


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