Great Times

May 27, 2005 10:37

Yesturday, I hung out with Mina and we went to this gay thing at Western. It was funny but I didn't feel like I should be there. Gay people make me uncomfortable lately. (Guys... I'm talkin) but it was nice to hang out with Mina again. She had homework though so I decided I should leave and I called Debby so they came to pick me up. Me, debby, ( Read more... )

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Comments 19

sporkier May 27 2005, 18:17:56 UTC
I don't like big gay group things. Defining who I hang out with based on my sexuality is a bit ridiculous to me. I prefer small group, such as 4 or 5 people, but best of all is one on one. Ya dig?


verticalgherkin May 27 2005, 20:36:00 UTC
heck yes whatcha doin this weekend haha


sporkier May 27 2005, 20:36:45 UTC
Working from 3 to 11:30 on Saturday and 6 to 2:30 on Sunday. Why?!?!


darkestkiss May 27 2005, 19:04:46 UTC
Why do you have to lie to her face, why cant you just tell her the truth?


verticalgherkin May 27 2005, 20:35:34 UTC
because of her reaction... you should know better than most ppl, how much people accept bi/gay people kayla


darkestkiss May 31 2005, 19:39:55 UTC
Yea, but still, you shouldnt have to lie to ppl to make them like you. You should be proud of who you are, no matter what other people think. And people shouldnt judge you on it, and if they do, thats their problem. Besides some people may take it hard, but then get use to i t.


bleedingwillow May 27 2005, 21:24:25 UTC
If I don't get drunk and hang out with large groups of homos I'll be single forever.

And since you like to be drunk in public and you're the only person I know up here, you get to be dragged along. ^-^

Did I tell you what I did last night after you left? I am NOT allowed to be with a camera and drunk.


verticalgherkin May 27 2005, 23:34:18 UTC
Why? what did you do? im sure i can guess haha <3


bleedingwillow May 27 2005, 23:53:44 UTC
See there's this friend of mine who was having trouble with the female anatomy I made her a diagram complete with rainbow colored labels. ^-~

Gods I need to get laid. <3


lordmemnon May 27 2005, 22:02:48 UTC


nah, I'm just fucking with ya. And take your time deciding your life. You're nineteen for cripes sake!


verticalgherkin May 27 2005, 23:33:50 UTC
lol... im not sure but did you say you had shrooms haha


lordmemnon May 28 2005, 11:07:42 UTC
yes, I have shrooms, they're the fucking bane of my existence now. B/C I STILL HAVE THEM DOGGAMMIT! Everyone who wants to try them wants to try them at different times and in "safe spaces with people they trust" meaning just them and I. Me personally? I wouldn't be afraid to do them in the middle of Central Park, never knowing New York. I'm just like that. Anyway, to sum up, yes I still have shrooms.

Goddamn. That was the second longwinded speech I gave where I ended by saying "so, to sum up". What's wrong with me?


salty nutz jennwoulddou May 27 2005, 22:19:55 UTC
mm.. sounds like a blast you crazy cunt.. after your done finding what you want you can help me...


Re: salty nutz verticalgherkin May 27 2005, 23:32:44 UTC
sounds like another date <3


Re: salty nutz jennwoulddou May 29 2005, 17:32:02 UTC
fuck yes babe!


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