1. First Name: William
3. Middle Name: Boyle
4. Hair Style: Brown, kinda short, fairly average cut. "Shave underneath with a 2, fade with the top, clean up the top."
5. Eye Color: brown (pretty damn interesting so far, ain't I?)
6. Height: 6'1"
7. Location: Orlando, FL... specifically, MetroWest.
8. Birthday: August 24, 1980
9. Zodiac Sign: Virgo
10. Do you have a girlfriend/boyfriend?: I am kind of attracted to a married woman at work who has a 1 year old child... but that's it.
11. Do you have a crush?: Several times a day... oh, no wait, ANSWER UNCLEAR TRY AGAIN LATER.
1. Favorite Animal: Dogs. Cats suck.
2. Favorite Sport: Probably ice hockey or roller hockey... although curling is some intense shit.
3. Favorite Color(s): shades of red and black (yes, I know, black isn't a color, shut the fuck up and keep reading or leave)
4. Favorite Friend(s) Offline: I don't have AIM at work. :-(
5. Favorite Friend(s) Online: Fucking rub it in, why don't you?
6. Favorite song: Lately, it's been the Metal station on digital music cable... but also Audioslave's whole CD and Rachmaninov's Isle of the Dead.
7. Favorite Movie Quote: WAAAAAY too many of these... but for now, this: "The truth is... you're the weak... and I am the tyrrany of evil men." Goosebumps just typing it.
8. Favorite Store: Best Buy... it's my candy store AND my toy store!
9. Favorite Feeling: BACK SCRATCH
10. Favorite Shoe: Sketcher Alley Cats or sandals.
11. Favorite Scent: I wear three colognes: Chrome by Azarro, Eternity by CK, and some new stuff my mom got me for Christmas called "FULL METAL JACKET". Yes, it is that cool.
12. Do You Wear Make-Up?: A little foundation and maybe some... HEY, what the fuck, NO... uhm...
13. Which is more important, personality or looks?: It's a neck and neck tie. Physical has gotta be there just as the looks appealing to you. No pre-designed definitions or requirements, just personal preference on both accounts.
14. What kind of personality do you like in a guy/girl?: funny, introspective, doesn't dump her shit on me, will plan an evening out every once in a while, can maintain a conversation about "lofty" concepts
15. Do you move fast or slow in a relationship?: I react to the speed of the relationship... but I guess I am not one to slow things down.
16. What is your idea of the perfect guy/girl?: No idea. I figure she's gotta be out there somewhere, and I'll be all the more surprised when I meet her and fall in love if I don't have a preconceived notion of what she looks like, how she acts, what she wants, etc.
17. Would you ever ask someone out?: Indeed.
18. Do you prefer blondes or brunettes: I have no real preference, but the darker the hair, the more it's a superficial turn-on. Black hair = win.
Love, Life & Friends
1. What is the first thing you notice about someone?: Face, and all components therein. Then body. If everything fits, then bling bling. It's a very very intuitive process, and I think these surveys force people to reason and rationalize what should be visceral and unplanned.
2. When's the last time you cried?: Long damn time ago... probably February 26, 1994
3. What do you want to be when you grow up?: I'm not grown up now? Man, when the fuck is this going to happen? I think the only next big Hallmark I have is standing in front of a crowd at Sundance or another film festival, telling them I hope they enjoy my movie.
4. Do you sleep with stuffed animals?: No, I'm the teddy bear, motherfucker!
5. Do you want children?: Sure
6. How far have you gotten?: Far from what? Far to what? What the fuck do you mean?
7. Do you like someone right now?: Coworker... mother... married... need to be more social.
8. Do they know?: I haven't even spoken to her yet... I'm the new guy, so I'm biding my time (stalking). WOO WOO!! State prison, here I come! Mom will be so PROUD! ;-D
9. Do you have a best friend?: I have friends, and they are the best. Fuggers.
Within the last 24 hours, have you..
1: Had a serious talk?: Not really.
2: Hugged someone?: I prefer no physical contact. Please do not violate my territorial bubble.
3: Gotten along well with your parents?: Of course! I always do!
4: Fought with a friend?: Nah, I don't fight with my friends. I piss them off, they piss me off, we drink beer, we feel better... the cycle perpetuates itself, like life!
Do you like to..
1: Give hugs?: Sure! I like to give other 4 letter h words too...... HAND... I like to give a hand!
2: Give back rubs?: Indeed. I have a good grip (not lonely)
3: Take walks in the rain?: It can be fun... if there is a warm shower waiting for afterwards.
4: You ever have that falling dream?: Always. And alot of other fucked up dreams that I can't write about because I barely remember anything about them except for a few visuals and the incredible fear.
5: What is on the walls of your room?: Alot of movie posters. Right now, posters are: Titus, Salton Sea, Mulholland Dr., Virgin Suicides, Battle Royale, 8 mile, One Hour Photo, Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon, The Thin Red Line, The Rules of Attraction, and my three Fight Club posters.
6: When you chew gum, what kind?: I fucking hate gum
7: Do you use chap stick: SoftLips cherry
In the last month have/did you...
1. Drink?: Last fucking night.
2. Smoke?: Nah
3. Drugs?: Excedrin and Alleve
4. Have Sex?: Nope
5. Made Out?: Nope
6. Go on a date?: Nope
7. Go to the movies?: Wednesday night, and several times in the last 2 weeks
8. Go to the mall?: I was at West Oaks a few times in the last month, as well as Oviedo Marketplace.
9. Realized you hadn't talked to someone you wish you had?: Indeed
11. Been on stage?: Unfortunately, no... although sometimes I like acting like I'm on a stage
12. Been dumped?: Nay
13. Had someone be unfaithful to you?: No
14. Watched The Smurfs?: My cable box rarely leaves the Metal music station or the HBO/MAX channels
15. Hiked a mountain?: All these fucking mountains in Florida, which one do I choose?!?
16. Made homemade cookies?: Nope, but I have eaten my weight in homemade cookies here at work... damn domestic coworkers and their damn ::munch:: cookies.
17. Been in love?: I once told someone I Was in love with them... what a fucking mistake THAT was... no, not just telling them...
More stuff...
1. Are you popular?: Dude, I am SO popular... Mr. fucking Popularity... who made this survey, someone in High School? like TOTALLY OMG *giggle*
2. Are you pretty?: Like a fucking pony.
3. Do you have your own phone line?: I have a cell phone, does that, like, count? LOL!!! uggh.
4. What is your favorite word to say?: ablution, antidisestablishmentarianism, ersatz, peternatural, and sesquipedalian
5. What is your favorite phrase to say?: "what the sam fuck?" and "BANNED"
6. What are you doing right now?: Working and taking your stupid fucking survey.
7. What song are you listening to?: Granados - Goyescas, Book 1
8. What are you wearing?: Blue jeans, dark blue polo, black jacket, brown shoes, new brown belt (THANKS SANTA!)
1. Cold or hot?: Fuck you
2. Lace or satin?: Fuck off
3. Blue or Red?: RED
4. New or old?: fuck oooofffffffff
5. Rain or snow?: Snow... it's dry.
6. Give or receive?: BOTH
7. Wool or cotton?: Dear god...
8. Rose or Daisy?: Cherry blossoms
9. Private school or public school?: FUCKING HELL STOP NOW
10. Chocolate milk or plain milk?: MOONSHINE. My children will drink it every night at dinner.
11. Celsius or Fahrenheit?: AMERICAN, SPEAK IT
12. Spring or Fall?: boing or splat, shut the fuck up
13. Inny or outty?: MALE
14. Now or then?: DEAD
17. English or Math?: anglican math, or mathematical english. This survey went from shit to SHIT real quick
18. Bath or shower?: why cant' we do both?
19. Bedtime phrase?: oyasumi nasai!
20. Self-stick or lick?: I AM A DUDE DAMNIT
21. Cursive or print?: cuneiform
22. Do you like surprises?: I dunno, this question is surprising
23. Paranoid or Cautious?: WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU? GET AWAY. LEAVE ME ALONE.
24. Heights or Crowds?: Dropping crowds from heights... ha ha ha SPLAT SPLAT WHAM SPLAT.
25. Half-full or half-empty?: DRINK MORE AND SHUT UP
26. Top or bottom?: severed hand
27. Do you/Would you dye your hair?: No/Yes
29. Gold or silver?: SILVER
30. Bad habits?: nail biting, and a few other psychological "problems"...
31. Piercings?: Nada
33. talker or listener: BOTH... something too few people do
35. What do you wish you'd done?: more karate, more guitar, more risk taking with the ladies.
36. Fetish: dark hair, and ____________
37. Do you have one of THOSE voices?: I've impressed a few girls with my voice.
38. Jammies or naked?: naked with pajamas on my head.
39. Neurotic or psychotic?: alcoholic. Shut up now plz
40. Do you talk to yourself?: I have some of the best conversations that way.
41. Will you ever do one of these again?: Not if it's anything like this one... but I've said that before.