Slowly but surely, I am kicking it's ASS. You gotta realize, I am extremely limited in my troubleshooting methods, and I can't determine what's dead because it's acting all the same. ARGGH ARGGH ARGGH ARRRGGGGHHHHH.
- Problem begins with a jostled computer... computer in transit cracks core. Needs new CPU.
- New CPU gets here... gets cracked installing new heatsink/fan. Ha. FUCK
- Newer CPU gets here to replace old one. Install into motherboard (Abit AT7). No post. No video. No beeps. No nothing.
- This is second mobo from Abit I've received, so I decide to get another motherboard. A Giga-byte 7VAXP
- Install Giga-byte board, problem continues.
- Replace power supply (bound to be dead soon, it's 4 years old). Problem continues.
- Test board outside of case. Gigabyte doesn't even boot outside case.
- Test Abit board outside of case. BOOTS, HOLY FUCK, IT ACTIVATED THE MONITOR!
- Reinstall Abit. Going to RMA the Giga-byte for a new one.
- Operating System is hosed. Attempted to reinstall, now getting UNMOUNTABLE_BOOT_VOLUME. Seen this movie before.
- Tomorrow morning, I'll run chkdsk, and if I can't repair the drive, I swap over to the other 20Gb drive.