Title: Taken Over
Author: verucasalt123
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Castiel, mentions of Dean, Sam and Bobby
Claim: Theme 01: Elemental
http://verucasalt123.livejournal.com/85331.htmlPrompt(s): #01, Dark
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: These boys do not belong to me.
Summary: One thing for which Castiel can be thankful.
He could feel it, almost always. Tucked away into a tiny corner, he knew it all. Walking straight in on a preacher’s sermon and making the man choke on his own tongue. Carefully manipulating events so that the world created by the one who’d gone before him could improve. He cringed at his dismissal of Dean and Sam Winchester, and of Robert Singer, who’d taken him in like family all this time.
The souls were overtaking him now, making him feel less and less, never giving him a moment to break out of the prison in which he’d trapped himself.
He’d done terrible things. Not as terrible as what his missing Father had done over the millennium, but still, good intentions or not, he’s never meant for everything to get so out of hand.
Castiel could feel all of it, hear it, he knew everything that was happening, But wherever he was, it was completely dark. Not a speck of light, nothing to allow him to actually see any of it. He knew what it was, but not being able to see himself do it from his dark corner wherever this was…he was grateful for that, at least.