Title: Sense Memory
Author: verucasalt123
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Sam/Dean, Castiel, Bobby, John Winchester, Jess, Ruby
Claim: Theme 01: Elemental
http://verucasalt123.livejournal.com/85331.htmlPrompt(s): #03, Touch
Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: These boys do not belong to me.
Summary: So many different ways.
Sam’s memories of being touched were varied and complicated and jumbled.
Bobby had scooped him up into his arms and hurried him inside when he’d cut himself on the jagged edge of the frame of an old junker in his scrapyard, he couldn’t have been more than 5 or 6 years old.
When he was fifteen, John had punched him square in the jaw in the middle of a heated argument, a moment both would always regret. Sam never knew how much John beat himself up for losing his temper like that.
Jess touched his cheek every time they kissed, and he’d never forget even a single one of those times.
He held Ruby down (only as much as she would allow) while his mouth devoured her, whether it was to suck on an open bloody cut on her arm or to bring her to orgasm with his tongue unrelenting on her clit.
Castiel took his hand with a great deal of hesitance, as if he were not worthy of the physical contact. Which Sam had to agree he probably wasn’t at the time.
Now, though, Dean…Dean touched him like only he could, draining all the tension from Sam’s body as he pushed down on Sam’s thighs so hard it would leave marks come morning.
His whole life sometimes narrowed down to the physical sensation of someone else’s skin on his own.