FIC - Get It, another 221B for my love of BBC Sherlock fandom

Mar 11, 2012 00:15

Title: Get It
Rating: PG
W/C: 221
Pairing: Sherlock/John
Summary: Sherlock forgets, John reminds him.
A/N: I imagine that this occurs sometime between S1 and S2. It’s obviously my very own head!canon, as I sadly do not own these characters. If I did, would I be spending my Saturday night reading and writing fanfic? Obviously not.

“You really don’t get it? You don’t understand? Honestly?”

Sherlock was not accustomed to ‘not getting’ many things. He was, after all, a fucking genius. John knew that, he knew Sherlock was a genius, why did he bother being all cryptic and mysterious and taunting about this specific day?

But yeah, he supposed, yeah, there were some facets of human interaction that he honestly just didn’t ‘get”, didn’t understand, maybe because he just hadn’t made the attempt yet. He knew what he had with John was worth making an honest effort, though, and he wanted to do it, he just needed…he needed guidance. And he wasn’t used to needing that. But there were many things, before his romantic or sexual or whatever kind of relationship he’d fallen into with the good doctor (the good, sweet, amazing, never boring doctor) over the past year that he’d never really experienced in the past and truly did need an explanation for. He could have asked Greg, he supposed, or Mrs. Hudson, if he’d known to ask. He could even have asked Molly, if he had realized it. But he didn’t.

He did know, and now he’d hurt John. He’d been insensitive, and he wanted so very badly to undo whatever damage he’d caused.

“Forgive me, John. Please? I’ve never had an anniversary before.”

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