Title: Bored (ficlet)
Pairing: Sherlock Holmes/John Watson
Rating: R
W/C: ~500
Summary: No one likes a bored Sherlock.
A/N: written for the 50 Reasons To Have Sex meme.
If there was one thing John could pick off the list of Things To Which He Should Not Have Introduced Sherlock, it was the habit of watching crap telly. Not that John didn’t indulge himself, of course, because Sherlock wouldn’t have fallen into it had he not been sitting with John one day when they had no case and there was nothing else to do.
Before two hours had passed, Sherlock was already shouting at the people on television as if they could hear him.
“He’s lying, for God’s sake, he promised this girl he’d pay her back, the money wasn’t a gift!”
“No, no, no, of course he’s not the boy’s father, look at the turnup on his jeans!”
“How can they all want to vote this one out of the house, he’s the only one who’s even remotely interesting! Ridiculous morons!”
John took it all in stride, he knew this was his doing so he put up with Sherlock’s indignant outbursts without (much) complaint.
One night, after listening to Sherlock rant for half an hour about how the audience vote could possibly have resulted in his favorite Pop Idol being ousted from the show, Sherlock sighed loudly, shut off the telly and made the declaration that John had grown to dread as much as he looked forward to sweeping that boredom into oblivion.
Staring up at the ceiling, Sherlock uttered the infamous phrase that could mean any number of things.
“I’m bored.”
A bored Sherlock was not something to be trifled with.
John responded carefully. “Certainly there’s something else on?”
“Nothing good. Nothing that isn’t bone-numbingly boring.”
“You hungry, love? I know Angelo’s is closing but you know he’ll make an exception for (he almost said us you.”
“I just ate this morning. Don’t go turning into the Detective Inspector of Food, please. I can’t take it.”
All right. Something else.
“Let’s check on those fingers, then. Got to be something-”
“Another couple of days, at least. How about if we have sex? Sex isn’t boring. Not with you”, Sherlock replied, turning his eyes from the ceiling to his lover. The look on his face was almost predatory, which of course turned John on even more than he already was.
“Right, then. Bedroom?
“No. Here. I don’t want to get up. Just want you naked and underneath me.”
And yeah, it’s not something John had ever been able to say no to, not since this had started between them. So he moved from chair to the sofa, shedding his clothes on the way.
Half an hour later, John’s cum stuck to his and Sherlock’s bellies and Sherlock’s dripping from John’s ass, they were silent for just a few moments.
“So”, John asked, “not boring?”
“Not boring. Want to do it again. Let’s do that again, a hundred more times.”
John just chucked into the curve of Sherlock’s neck. “A little ambitious, are we? We’re not teenagers, you know.”
Sherlock leaned back so he could make sure John saw his face.
“Not a hundred times tonight. Just a hundred more times. Maybe more hundreds after that.”
With a sigh of relief, John pulled Sherlock up from the sofa and led him to their bed. After all, it would be no good to have his lover bored.