Deductions for spn_30snapshots

May 23, 2012 23:04

Title: Deduction
Author: verucasalt123
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Sam/Dean
Claim: Theme 07: Get Your Kink On
Prompt(s): #1, role-play
W/C: ~ 810
Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: These boys do not belong to me.
Summary: Dean discovers BBC Sherlock, Sam discovers Dean’s kink.
A/N: for musiqueguy1’s prompt. I think mandatorily gave me the plot bunny, but I’m not entirely sure.

“What the hell is this?”, Sam asked, as he looked over Dean’s shoulder at the laptop.

“New and improved TV version of Sherlock Holmes, and it’s fucking fantastic. I think I might be a little bit addicted.”

Sam caught a look at the guy in the purple scarf and overcoat, and immediately got the idea. “You think this guy’s hot, right? It’s ok, he is, he’s totally hot.”

“It’s not just that. Yeah, the guy’s smokin’, but it’s the things he does. He takes a look at someone for thirty seconds and can practically tell you their whole life story. At least the past 48 hours or so. This shit is crazy.”

“You didn’t read the books, right?”

“Uh, no, I, um, I know this is based on those books from a thousand years ago, but I never read them.”

“This show is on BBC, Dean, how did you even get access to it?”

“Well, there’s this thing, you can download it, and it gives your computer an IP address from England or whatever, so then you can click on the thing and watch the shows.”

“If you get a virus on my computer, I’m going to kick you in the nuts.”

“No you won’t.”

“Fine, I’ll clock you in the jaw. Whatever”, Sam replied, but he sat and watched the rest of the show, and then the one after that, clearly noting that his brother was more than half-hard in his jeans as he followed the adventures of the consulting detective and his faithful blogger. Sam was fairly certain that he’d never seen a television show more overloaded with homoerotic undertones as this one. He decided to file that away for future reference. It was useful information, in more ways than one. Dean always swore he wasn’t gay, that the relationship that he and Sam had was an exception to his lifelong commitment to heterosexuality, and his attraction to men was limited to his attraction to Sam.


A few days later, while interviewing witnesses, Sam decided he would test his theory out. As the woman they were speaking with paused in her explanation of how her husband has disappeared so suddenly a week before, he casually noted, “Your nails look great. Manicure, recent, within the past two or three days. You made time for that while you’ve been so worried?”

Before she could compose any response to his question, he continued. “I see you’ve got a box filled with men’s clothing packed up there in the corner of the room. Your husband’s clothes? Dean, take a look, what do you think?”

Clearly surprised by Sam’s uncharacteristic hard line of questioning, Dean took a look. “Doesn’t look to me like she was expecting him to return.”

Sam stood up, close to him so that their height difference was obvious. “Very good. Very, very good, Dean. Excellent observation.” Once he turned his attention back to the wife, she was done and pouring out her confession that she sacrificed her husband in order to gain power from the coven of witches she had been associating with lately.

Back at the motel, the case behind them, Sam decided he’d push his little theory a little more.

“Your pupils are dilated:, he said, pushing back his nervous feelings, Role-play was something they’d never tried before. Touchig Dean’s wrist, he continued, “Your pulse is twenty beats above normal. You’re aroused.”

Dean was quiet for a minute, processing exactly what it was that was going on here. His brother was playing at being Sherlock, and he guessed his proper role was Dr. Watson.

“You and your deductions. Right as usual”, he responded, not sure what was coming next,

“Let me help you with that, then”, Sam replied, without the accent but with the exact right inflection to his words.

Sam reached forward and tugged Dean’s pants down enough to get hold of his cock. “Fuck, yes, you can…you can help…” His words were cut off when Sam started stroking, and talking.

“Even more elevated respirations, you want this. You do want this, John? Tell me you do.”

Dean crumbled to pieces at that moment. “Yes, of course, I want you, Sherlock. Just want you.”

They tumbled into bed, whispering pretend phrases into each other’s skin as Sam kept up his character and Dean tried, but wasn’t too successful.

In the moments following their coating each other with spunk, Dean managed to get out, “So, you like this role-play thing?”

Sam responded, half-asleep in post-orgasmic haze already, “Wanna make you happy.”

And fuck if that didn’t just say it all, right there.

sam, prompt fill, slash, wincest, sam/dean, dean

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