Title: Was Blind
Author: verucasalt123
Character(s)/Pairing(s): RoboSam/Cas
Claim: Theme 07: Get Your Kink On
http://verucasalt123.livejournal.com/147817.htmlPrompt(s): #2, blindfold
W/C: ~ 650
Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: These boys do not belong to me.
Summary: There is a different between lying and not telling the truth. Really, there is.
I have faced death and come back from it more than once. I have conquered battlefields in Heaven. I have been to Hell. I have gotten the attention of my father’s first and most powerful archangel by shouting a profanity and throwing a holy oil bomb at his vessel. I have trapped and insulted another archangel, one infinitely more powerful than myself.
Castiel counted all of these actions in his head and added them up to convince himself he was, indeed, a fearless and deadly warrior. The purpose of this exercise was to remind himself that he hadn’t hesitated a moment to do those terribly dangerous things. Surely, giving up a measure of control was not something of which he was afraid. That would be ludicrous.
Right this very minute, he couldn’t see. Not because he’d lost his vision involuntarily, but because he’d agreed to allow Sam to cover his eyes with a blindfold. Well, to be more accurate, it was a t-shirt that was tied around his head in such a way that he was unable to see. Of course, if he’d wanted it to be removed, that could be accomplished with a mere fleeting thought.
He didn’t want it to be removed.
It wasn’t like he didn’t know. He hadn’t let on to Sam, because Sam wasn’t even really sure himself about why he was different now. Castiel knew, of course. It tore him to shreds to realize he’d done a half-assed job at getting Sam back. Clearly, the Sam he’d pulled from the Cage was not the same man who’d fallen into it more than a year ago. Dean didn’t know, either. Of course, he wasn’t privy to the fact that Castiel regularly engaged in sexual encounters with this soulless version of his brother, that would have been a disaster of epic proportions. But he also didn’t know that Sam’s soul was still trapped down there - he suspected something was off, though. Castiel figured he’d have to go through the motions of pretending to be surprised when it came time to reveal that information (the soul information, not the sex information).
Dean didn’t understand. He’d never understand about Castiel’s deal with Crowley, and he would most certainly never understand the nature of the relationship he’d engaged in with Sam.
“You like it, don’t you?” Sam asked, his voice coming from somewhere to Castiel’s left, approximately two feet to the left and what seemed at the time to be miles above Cas. “Not being able to see, anticipating what might be the next move, where you’re going to be touched, whether it’s going to hurt of feel good.”
Castiel’s response was completely truthful. “Yes, I do. I like it.”
Sam chuckled a bit as he started pulling roughly at Castiel’s nipples.
“Tell me why, Cas. Why do you like it?”
So maybe now not so much truth. “It is arousing, the thought of what may happen to me under your hands at any moment.”
And damn if Sam didn’t just buy right into it, believing every word Cas said.
“Don’t you dare to try using some kind of angel mojo to see through that fucking blindfold. I’m serious, Cas” he continued, “Take what I’m giving you and love it because you don’t know what’s coming next.”
Castiel’s reply was simple, and not untruthful at all. “I give you my word, Sam, I have made myself as human as possible so that I can experience this in a meaningful way.”
Sam seemed satisfied with that response.
Which was fine.
Castiel had no intention of telling Sam he treasured the blindfold because looking Sam in the eye while he was keeping so many secrets was too much for him to bear.