Title: Will You Settle For Love
Pairing: Sam/Dean, mentioned OCs, Garth, Bobby, a ghost
Rating: NC-17
W/C: ~10,650
Warnings: explicit sex, angst, major S7 spoilers
Summary: They’re out of the life. Pretty much. But regular jobs and friendly neighbors don’t negate the fact that the supernatural is still out there. This is a story about the choices and consequences that come along with retirement, and a test of how strong their relationship is when confronted with their past.
A/N: This is curtain!fic and domestic!fic and case!fic. IDEK. Also, many thanks to paper_storm88 and to saltandbyrne for their beta assistance. And to
lightthesparks, I can not thank you enough for the lovely art.
Art masterpost:
Here! pdf version:
http://www.mediafire.com/?79b0jtrhk76u7 Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Epilogue