Title: Hush
Author: verucasalt123
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Dean/Sam pre-series (slight underage)
Claim: Theme 01: Elemental
http://verucasalt123.livejournal.com/85331.htmlPrompt(s): #23, Sound
Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: These boys do not belong to me.
Summary: Too much at stake.
As his cock slid further into Dean’s mouth, Sam couldn’t help but moan. He’d tried so hard to be quiet, but he couldn’t hold this one back. A warning hand tightened on his hip, Dean’s reminder.
John was downstairs, probably passed out drunk, but there was no way to know for sure what might wake him. Hunters weren’t light sleepers, even with the help of their friends Jack Daniels and Jim Beam.
So Sam went silent again, this time shoving his own fist into his mouth as Dean sucked him and fingered him, working him open. His breaths were hitched and he was almost in tears from the effort it took to remain silent. But he couldn’t make a sound, he knew. He’s been practicing for almost a year now, since a few months after he turned sixteen and couldn’t wait anymore to move past the tame snuggling and kissing he and Dean had been dabbling in for a year or so.
Dean didn’t like doing it, but when he raised up and got ready to enter his brother, he moved Sam’s fist away and placed his palm over his brother’s mouth. Sam was good at staying quiet, mostly, but Dean’s dick pounding away at him always broke the silence, and it wasn’t worth the risk of any sounds traveling into their father’s ears. There was too much at stake.