Joe/Billy handholding in HCL (widescreen vs. fullscreen)

Aug 09, 2009 03:27

In the countless times I've watched Hard Core Logo -- I would estimate upwards of 25, but less than 40 -- I completely missed this subtle little bit of handholding when Tiffany interviews Billy, and Joe interrupts.

My other AVI of HCL was not the widescreen version. Now I have the widescreen version in AVI format, and clearly the fullscreen version lopped off an important part of the left side of the frame! Watch what happens to Billy's right hand after he says "I suffer for his art" and jerks his thumb at Joe.

As Joe says "Whatever keeps you honest," he grabs Billy's hand and... caresses his wrist.

I slowed down the hand holding part on purpose so you can see how Joe first grabs Billy's hand, then slides his grasp down Billy's wrist.

This is so deliciously but heartbreakingly affectionate and slashy, I just -- eeeee!

Was this scripted, or ad libbed by HD and CKR? even more eeee!

If you want to dl a short AVI of this scene, go to This embedded version is flash video.

Maybe other people were already aware of this, but I wasn't. Glad I noticed it.
*hearts HCL even more than before*
*even hearts Bruce McD for leaving it in*
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