Name: Errin
Are you over 16?: Yes indeedy. I'm 24.
Personal LJ:
meadowofpeaceEmail: Sycophantism@hotmail.com
Timezone: Central
Other contact: eden0renewed (AIM)
Characters already in the game: N/A
How did you find us?: Dear Mun most likely.
Character name: Tohru Honda
Fandom: Fruits Basket
Timeline: Volume 21, Chapter 121 of the manga. (Before Tohru falls off of the cliff.)
Age: 18
~*Magical*~ abilities and strengths: None that I am aware of aside from her undying optimism and hope. Tohru is a strange girl, but she does sincerely try to put her best foot forward.
How would they use their abilities?: To...cheer people up? Bring world peace? Make the yummiest rice-balls ever?
Appearance: Tohru is 5'2" with long brown hair and brown (or blue in the anime) eyes. She is definitely on the skinny side, but she is nicely proportioned. Though she doesn't think much of herself, it is said multiple times in the manga and anime that she has a pretty face.
Usually, during the school year, she is in her uniform - which consists of a navy blue and white shirt plus a matching skirt. When she is not attending school, however, Tohru usually wears skirts and brightly colored shirts. I don't recall her ever wearing pants and the only time she wears a long skirt, she is in the play Sorta Cinderella.
Background/Personality: Tohru is, simply put, a remarkable person. From the beginning, her life was anything but easy. As a child, she lost her father while he was on a business trip. The way Tohru puts it, he got sick and he just couldn't get better. Because of his passing, she worried about her mother even more - and for good reason. Kyoko - Tohru's mother - nearly gave up on life after losing her husband. Yet, through Tohru's child-like persistence to make her mother happy, Kyoko finally came around. (For example: when Kyoko would come home, Tohru would phrase "welcome home" just like Katsuya used to say it. Additionally, the little girl more or less took care of herself during Kyoko's long absences. She would feed herself, keep herself entertained and keep the house cleaned.) It was one of Tohru's happiest days when Kyoko came home and apologized for almost leaving her little girl behind.
However, I don't want to over-simplify Tohru's relationship with her mother and father. Later on in the manga, Tohru admits that she was jealous of her father. She worried that he would take Kyoko away from her. I believe this caused the little girl to feel immense guilt when her father passed away. Thus why she took it upon herself to be so self-sufficient.
On a lesser note, Tohru did have a run in with a Sohma during her childhood. After being chased by some bullies, Tohru found herself lost in an alleyway. She didn't know the way home, so she just sat there and cried. Fortunately, none other than Yuki Sohma found her - yet he was too shy to introduce himself. However, once again, the motif of a Sohma leading Tohru home crops up. Yuki, unknowingly at first, led Tohru home, where Kyoko was waiting anxiously for her little girl's return.
While Tohru was in the midst of highschool, another tragedy struck. This time, the girl lost her mother. Kyoko was struck head-on by a car and pinned against a brick wall. She ended up passing away in the hospital with Tohru at her side. After her funeral, Tohru felt like a burden on the rest of her family. In fact, she was told as much by her relatives at the funeral. Yet her paternal grandfather said nothing of the sort. He opened up his home to her and offered her what he could. Tohru knew he was living on a pension, though. As such, she got a job along with going to school.
For awhile, things were calm. Then, her grandfather decided to remodel the house. Tohru lied to him and said she had a place to stay. In reality, she could have moved in with Hana or Uo (her two best friends), but she knew she would be a burden on them and their families. Thus she chose to live in a tent in order to make everyone happy.
Well, except her. Tohru is an incredibly selfless person who puts the needs of others over her own every single time. Even when she was stuck in a tent with all of her belongings - including a picture of her mother - she didn't blame anyone or feel sorry for herself.
Perhaps that was why Fate finally smiled on her. As it turned out, Tohru's little tent was pitched on Sohma property. After being caught by Shigure Sohma and Yuki Sohma, Tohru found herself living (and cleaning) one of the Sohma households. It was there that she first met Kyo Sohma and learned the deep, dark secret of the Sohma family (i.e. that some of the Sohmas were possessed by the twelve animals of the Chinese Zodiac and that Kyo, the Cat, was excluded from the family banquets).
Over the many, many months Tohru spent with the Sohmas, she grew closer to all of those who were cursed. She even became determined to find out a way to break the curse and set the Sohmas free. Yet Akito, the Head of the Sohma family (a.k.a. god), refused to let Tohru take her power away from her. (Though, for most of the manga, Tohru is unaware that Akito is a female.) Yet there was no stropping the influence Tohru was having on each Sohma family member. For the first time, they looked to the future with hope; Tohru fostered that hope and confidence in them as best as she could.
But that wasn't always easy. There were a few members that fought back against Tohru as hard as Akito and there were many times that Tohru doubted herself. Yet, every time, she was able to pull herself back up and realize that her love for the Sohmas would pull her through any hard times. In fact, there was one love in particular that kept her going through many hard days. At first, Tohru had sympathized with Kyo and wanted to be his friend. But, as time went on, that desire to be his friend turned into something far more romantic.
Her feelings for Kyo weren't seen as a blessing in the beginning. She fought them down because she felt like she was betraying her mother's memory. In her mind, she thought she only had room for one love in her heart. (Which is kind of silly considering she already loved most of the Sohma family. Yet it can be argued that her love for Kyo went much deeper and touched a part of her that had been solely reserved for her mother.)
At the canon point I am taking her, she is just beginning to realize how special Kyo truly is to her and that she does not want to give him up. Additionally, she is slowly (and painfully) making amends with Akito. In fact, she has just asked her(him) to be her friend.
Why should that character be in this game: N/A
Why do you want to continue their history here: N/A
For applicants considering an alternate version of a character already in game, please use this as your chance to explain the key differences between your character and the one already in play: N/A
Have you read up on how the game works?: FlamingFerret! Potato Peeling, Babysitting and doing culinary things.
1st person sample: A-kito-san? {The words are stilted and whispered in a weak voice.} Won't you be my friend? {Tohru's image appears on the feed. Her cheeks are a feverish red and there is a long cut on one of her arms.}
I... {Her eyes widen and she reaches out for the communicator.} I think I'm hallucinating... {She sways and falls to her knees, covering the knife wound with her hand.} I w-was with Akito-san. Where am I now?
{A few tears slip down her cheeks and she does nothing to dash them away.}
I n-need to find Kyo-kun. {She barely moves her lips, her body beginning to tremble.} I m-made a mistake. He n-needs to know... I h-have to tell him h-how I feel b-before it's t-too late...
{It might be too late already. Tohru wraps her arms around herself, overwhelmed by her own exhaustion.}
M-Mom, I'm s-sorry.
3rd person sample: This was wrong. Kyo had told her the one thing he had said he never would and Akito was... Weak. Lonely. Tohru couldn't bear to see him crying. He reminded her so much of her mother.
Mom... I'm not leaving you! I would never leave you!
Clenching her fists at her sides, Tohru ignored the throbbing pain in her arm and tried to take a step forward. Akito couldn't be far away. Perhaps he had run from like Kyo had? If that was the case, she needed to find him; she needed to make things right.
Wh-Where are you?
Stumbling, she gasped and reached out for something - anything - to stop her fall. Only, there was nothing there. Whimpering, Tohru felt her knees collide with the ground harshly.
"Pl-Please...c-come back..." she sobbed, tipping her head forward, "K-Kyo... A-kito..."
Her heart ached for both of them. They must be so sad. She had seen the sorrow in Kyo's eyes and she had heard the pain in Akito's voice. There must be some way she could help them. After all, she had caused most of it.
You d-didn't say that, did you, Mom? H-How can you hate him? I d-don't understand... I l-love him! Is... Is that wrong?
Squeezing her eyes shut, she began to rock back and forth. She was so close to passing out. But she couldn't give into her weakness. Not yet. Using what was left of her strength, Tohru pushed herself onto her feet and staggered forward.
I d-don't care. I'll find you a-and...t-take care of you.
She had found her happiness. Now she would help them find theirs.
Questions?: Not at the moment! :)
Did you put your characters name and fandom in the subject: Absolutely. ♥
[Permanent AC Post~]