Ryuu and I had planned on doing these together, but with her schedule, and mine and everything else I didn't want you guys waiting for these longer than needed. I quick did up both of them myself.
If Ryuu is online, feel free to ping her and ask her if she'd like to add anything from Hardison's POV.
The Lucky Lady's Name is: Sophie
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Comments 5
Also, these made me giggle so hard, man.
The Lucky Lady's Name is: Parker (No last name, no first name. Just... Parker)
She's a big fan of: Stealing, money, other people's money, other people's stuff, jumping off buildings, money
Whatever you do don't: Try to wrestle with her. Cause I'm telling you, the girl's vicious like Sid.
You should bid on her because: She's cute, she's blond, and she's only a little bit crazy, I swear.
If You Are Listed Here You Can't Bid: Comet, Santa's Reindeer
I'm sorry I've been so hard to get ahold of, bb.
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