I was contemplating starting a new journal to use as a food/excersize journal, but I'd rather just keep one journal. So anything related to that will be under an LJ cut. Like so:
So today is day 1 of my healthy living plan. I made a strawberry-peach crisp yesterday, using organic sucranat (which is made from evaporated cane juice) and spelt flour, so there's really nothing unhealthy in it. So I had that for breakfast this morning, with some eggs for protein. Then for lunch I had salmon with a wasabi mayonaise (a new recipe I tried, and a keeper), mashed cauliflower (also new, not a keeper) and some leftover rice with sweet and sour sauce. Not the best choice but I hate wasting food. Then I had some peaches for dessert. I also made a veggie soup with carrots, celery, onions, white kidney beans, chick peas and a bit of potato. I had a small bowl of it before, and it's really good. I'm a huge soup person, so I always like to have some on hand. Tonight will be a challenge though. I'm going for dinner with Jon and some of his friends at the restaurant where his roommate works. I have trouble with restaurants, because I use them as an excuse to eat things that I shouldn't. But it's so good. This is always the problem. But I will do my best. Anyway, I should go get dressed now... maybe I'll have a snack before we go, so I don't end up eating the entire bread basket.