Title: Ode to Optophobia, or: Ten Men That Loved Annie Edison (8/19)
Author: veryspecial0ne
Rating: R for the whole series, to be safe.
Word count: ~2300 for this installment, ~22,600 for the series thus far.
Disclaimer: I have now been tweeted by both Dan Harmon and Alison Brie. I'm pretty sure that's the closest I'll ever come to having
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Comments 15
brilliantly done. and i love that moment when he gets that it's not his place to feel possessive. it somehow makes mr. history teacher man's reaction much more justifiable in a way. because, as opposed to Bryan Edison, Mr. Harding has some kind of paternal feelings for Annie stemming from him helping her into rehab, an almost fatherly thing to do...
so anyway.
wonderful awesome chapter. :D
What I'm figuring is that the only way all of these perspectives on Annie are going to stay interesting is if they're coming from someone as human as I can manage to make them. None of these guys are perfect (well, Colby might be a little perfect, but we all need someone to love) but they're not bad guys. Bryan's thing is that when he gave up his marriage he let himself give up his daughter. His redemption, I think, is that he accepts the consequences of his actions and is willing to let Annie be an adult. Where she gives him an opening he'll take it but he knows better than to overstep his bounds. Everyone learns, right?
As always, thanks for reading!
Also the greying hair is partly my wishful thinking that Jeff will someday embrace his inevitable status as a silver fox, because god is he going to be a good one.
I'm working a tiny bit on the Five Times fic here and there when something pops into my head, but it's at least planned out and I'll totally start working on it in earnest when this one's done. Next chapter marks the halfway point!
Well, I loved the scene the way you wrote it, wholly distinct from the confrontation with Mr. Harding. Because it seemed inevitable that they would meet, I just figured there would be interaction between Jeff and Annie's father, but with her father figure and her actual father both making appearances in this story, you don't want a rehash of what came before.
And yay for work on the five times fic!
I'm still giddy that you dedicated this to me AND added Jeff in! :-)
One of the most interesting things to me about Jeff and Annie is how they make each other alternately really tense and really relaxed. Like, picture the manic grin on Jeff's face for those portions of Asian Population Studies. Now think of how chilled out and amused he was when Annie and he were giving each other shit during the break in the Poli Sci episode. It makes their relationship rich and multifaceted. In this particular case I just imagined that I was Annie, having just talked to my father for the first time in years, and I leave the office and see all of that delicious Jeff-arm ready to wrap me up and I was just like..."YES."
"One of the most interesting things to me about Jeff and Annie is how they make each other alternately really tense and really relaxed. ... It makes their relationship rich and multifaceted."
YESYESYES!!! It's like your in my brain!
Oh, Jeff arms. Thank you for the delicious daydreams :)
Jeff and Annie, however, TOTALLY a thing.
Formidable!Annie is way fun to play with sometimes, and I figured this would be the perfect time to break her out. I mean, this is Annie freakin' Edison, y'all. She was voted Most Likely to Succeed at her rehab clinic! She took down Jeremy "Soul Patch" Simmons! And she may have daddy issues but she'll be DAMNED if she'll let them mess with her wedding day.
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