Title: Ode to Optophobia, or: Ten Men That Loved Annie Edison (11/19)
Author: veryspecial0ne
Rating: R for the whole series, to be safe.
Word count: ~2000 for this installment, ~28,900 for the series thus far.
Disclaimer: I have now been tweeted by both Dan Harmon and Alison Brie. I'm pretty sure that's the closest I'll ever come to having any
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Comments 17
Really sorry to hear about your computer. I hope you didn't lose anything.
I'm thrilled to see more of this, and even more thrilled at the prospect of getting a new chapter every day. And I doubt anyone is going to be disappointed by length when you're giving us nineteen chapters of pure awesome.
I enjoyed this section quite a bit. Abed, to me, is the most challenging to write when you're not just feeding him pop culture lines. Getting a grasp on him emotionally has always struck me as particularly difficult, and I think you did a great job here of conveying his affection for Annie in a very subtle way. I found his attempt to undo the damage of his comment about Jeff's feelings for the group to be especially touching.
So looking forward to reading the rest of this. Glad to have you back!
Also, I read this comment this afternoon when I was working on the second half of this chapter, and you liking Abed's attempt to undo the damage had kind of an influence on it, so thanks for that!
Oh, that blows. I'm really sorry.
Also, I read this comment this afternoon when I was working on the second half of this chapter, and you liking Abed's attempt to undo the damage had kind of an influence on it, so thanks for that!
Wow! My pleasure! I feel kinda special right now. :-)
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