Title: Ode to Optophobia, or: Ten Men That Loved Annie Edison (18/19)
Author: veryspecial0ne
Rating: PG-13
Word count: ~2000 for this installment, ~45,000 for the series thus far.
Disclaimer: Shippers gonna ship, ficcers gonna fic. Neither of those gonna own Community.
Spoilers: Through the end of Season 2, technically, but details from S3 have
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Comments 17
So, SO late with this feedback, but as I mentioned in my comment to Shannon's fic, I needed to peel myself off the floor after reading all three of these updates in a few short hours. My recovery time was a little longer than normal.
"So where's my optimistic girl, hmm? The same one that's been telling me for almost a decade that she really thinks Lindsay Lohan is going to pull it together this time?"
Annie shakes her head sadly. "Not anymore. There's no coming back from a collaboration with Mel Gibson."AHAHAHAHA! I love that even in the midst of this drama, they can be themselves. Annie's a mess, but she still responds to Jeff in kind. Perfect ( ... )
In the chapter notes/bits and pieces that I had sitting around for months, it has said at the very end for as long as I can remember, "Also, Professor Whitman marries them." I no longer have any recollection of how I came up with this idea, only that in the moment I thought it was the most brilliant one I'd ever had.
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