Time: 834am
Eating: nothing
Drinking: Nothing
Wearing: same stuff from yesterday, except clean sox and boxers
Listening to: nothing
Talking to: noone
Thinking about: car
Feeling: bored
Layer One- You:
* You: charles
* Middle name: roy
* Birth time: 134am
* Birthplace: Orlando,FL
* Last place you traveled: sarasota
* Eye Color: brown
* Nail Color: Normal not coloredness
* Height:: 59
* Zodiac Sign: leo...rowwr
Layer two- describe:
* Your heritage: half mexican, half white-ican
* The shoes you wore today: none yet
* Your hair: too short :'(
* Your weakness: money, lol
* Your perfect pizza: comes from giovanni's
Layer Three- what is:
* Your most overused phrase on aim: lol
* Your thoughts first waking up: i dont wanna go to school today
* Your current worry: getting a good car
* Your plans tomorrow: none yet
* Your best physical feature: ......not sure...you tell me
* Your bedtime: like 12-1ish....after family guy
Layer Four- you prefer:
* sunrise or sunset: sunset
* gore or horror: gore
* eastsiiiide or wessssside: EAST!
* stripes or polka dots: stripes
* Planes or trains: planes, except your ears hurt, so that part sucks
* Boxers or briefs: boxers
* Pools or hot tubs: hottubs....im not much of a swimmer
Layer Five- do you:
* Do you think you've been in love: ya
* Type w/ your fingers on homerow: ok, i just did.
* Like to take baths:not in my tub.....thats gross
* Get motion sickness: nope
* Like talking on the phone: ya, its cool
* Like thunderstorms: not when they shut off the power
* Play an instrument: nope
* Workout: nope, im fat
* Like reading:ahahahahaha....no
Layer Six- favorite:
* Body part: leg.....
* Kind of fruit: strawberry
* Music to fall asleep to: greenday, unsung zeros, and yellowcard....yea its emo....but i dont cry myself to sleep.......everynight :"(.....hehe its a double tear
* Time of the day: sunsetish time
* Car: Pontiac Grand Prix
* Number: 98
* Thing to do: hang
* Horror movie: cold creek manor
* Colors: blue
Layer Eight- the future:
* Age you hope to be married: 29-35
* Numbers and Names of Children: i think 3 kids....2 guys 1 girl
* Describe your Dream Wedding: full of friends.......free food, free money, free cars......and free..............other stuff
* How do you want to die: Quick and painless
* What do you want to be when you grow up: something in tv production.....maybe own my own record store.....open up a restaurant with shane as my head chef!
* What country would you most like to visit: italy.....i wanna have the best pizza ever!
Layer Nine- opposite sex:
* Best eye color: blue
* Short or long hair: medium?
* Best personality trait: fun
* Best height: 5' 8 and 2.348 1/3 quarter"
* Best articles of clothing: shirt.....im not sure i understand the question
* Best first date location: movies i guess...everyplace can be the best place, its not the place that makes the kiss....its the kiss that makes the kiss that makes the place the best place for a first kiss....lol, i came up with that all by myself!
* Best first kiss location: oops, asnwered it in the wrong place...look up