Title: Keeping Warm
vfic83 Rating: PG
Fandom: Hikaru No Go
Pairings: Kaga/Tsutsui
Length: 127 words
Disclaimer: Hikaru No Go isn't mine, and I don't make any money from this.
Spoilers: Not really any
Summary: The boys are cold, and the King wins, as per usual.
Warnings: Can't think of anything
A/N: This was originally written for
blind_go here. Kind of a "cold" theme for a couple of the fics for that round. I could be wrong, but I think it was in the middle of winter at the time, so... heh.
"It's cold," Tsutsui says softly into Kaga's chest.
"I know."
It's a gross understatement, actually, it's fucking freezing, but they can't exactly afford to turn the heat on this month, and they both know it. Tsutsui snuggles closer. They at least have a warm blanket, or at least it WILL be warm once they're under it for a little while longer. Kaga hopes anyway. Plus they're each wearing about three layers of clothes, so it's not as bad as it could be.
"We could-"
"Don't even think about it, Kaga."
Kaga smirks. "You don't even know what I was going to say."
"I do too. There's no way I'm taking off anything."
"It would keep us warm," he laughs.
A pause. "Maybe later," Tsutsui concedes.
Kaga chuckles against Tsutsui's neck. He never gets tired of winning.