I did it more as a practice than anything else, I give no guarantees for a perfect translation ^^' Anyways, the lyrics make me cry, so I hope you enjoy them as well!
今夜は「おやすみ」”Sleep well” for tonight
Goodnight, girl! Sweet Dreams! (2x)
Day and night 今日も頑張ったんだねDay and night, you worked hard today as well, didn’t you?
君が無理してること僕は知っているよI know that you are forcing yourself
だから今日は少しゆっくりしてSo take it a little slowly today
本音全部隠したまま You mostly kept your real face completely hidden
誰にも見せないで You don’t show it to anyone
抱えたもの僕の預けてさ So entrust the things that burdened you to me
目を閉じてClose your eyes
おやすみSleep well
夢で逢おうよ Let’s meet in our dreams
いつまでも、いつまでだって甘えていたら forever, as long as I could spoil you
ちょっとだけ、ちょっとだけ眠りの中その羽休めてJust a little, just a little nested in your sleep
一人じゃない、忘れないでYou are not alone, don’t forget
眠るまで僕が起きているからI am awake until you fall asleep
おやすみ、Girl, おやすみ Sleep well, girl, sleep well
明日また飛び立ってみようLet’s try to take off and fly again tomorrow
Only one君を必要としてる人がたくさんいるんだOnly one, there are a lot of people who need you
それをちゃんと君は知ってるかい? Are you even properly aware of that?
ずっと前から僕もそう I’ve been one of them for a long time
傷ついたら、胸が痛む When you get hurt, there is a pain in your chest
誰もが同じようにIt’s the same for everyone
君が弱いわけじゃないんだよYou are not weak at all
涙は心雨Tears are the rain of the heart
朝になったらWhen it becomes morning
どこまでも、どこまでだって行ける気がするeverywhere, I feel like we can go wherever
ちょっとだけ、ちょっとだけこの夜の時やり過ごそうJust a little, for tonight let’s just overdo it a little
夢の中君が見せるIn our dreams you show me
その笑顔本当の姿だからThat this smile is your real shape
おやすみ、Girl, おやすみSleep well, girl, sleep well
明日こそありのままでいいIt’s fine to be true to yourself tomorrow as well
目を閉じてる君が綺麗すぎてYou are too beautiful with your eyes closed
見とれそうさ、声に出さずに誓ったSo I was enchanted, and I swore silently
孤独にさせないTo never let you be lonely
そばにいるI am by your side
Goodnight, girl! Sweet Dreams! (2x)
心配しないでDon’t worry
Goodnight, girl! Sweet Dreams! (2x)
「おやすみ」ここで”Sleep well” for now
夢で逢おうよ Let’s meet in our dreams
いつまでも、いつまでだって甘えていたら forever, for how long I could spoil you
ちょっとだけ、ちょっとだけ眠りの中その羽休めてJust a little, just a little nested in your sleep
一人じゃない、忘れないでYou are not alone, don’t forget
眠るまで僕が起きているからI am awake until you fall asleep
おやすみ、Girl, おやすみ Sleep well, girl, sleep well
明日また飛び立ってみようLet’s try to take off and fly again tomorrow