Privacy attack.

Aug 21, 2006 00:08

I needed to filter out the wrongs. If you know that I want to be your friend, let me know. Otherwise, it doesn't hurt to ask, but I'm gonna be real careful this time!

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Comments 12

betwixtcatnaps August 21 2006, 16:54:06 UTC
How'd you get to move in early?!? As happens every summer it's definitely time to get away from the family. Where is it you're living again?


vforlee August 21 2006, 18:31:20 UTC
I'm here for a "journalism retreat" thing that's on campus, while all the other student leaders are on the official leadership retreat, which I was still supposed to go to anyway. *shrugs* And I totally agree with you... The 4 months at home were great sometimes, but painfully excruciating after the second month. I'm living back in Inman, same floor, but we have a corner room and it's wonderful. :) Where are you living?


betwixtcatnaps August 21 2006, 22:24:41 UTC
Yay Inman! Me too. Second floor corner room... facing Evans and main. 220-something. I don't know if the room number is odd or even. Even I guess since I was on that side sophomore year in 118. 226 maybe?

You definitely must come visit me at me second job! We'll have free wi-fi for when you have homework but are sick of campus! Plus 10% off books with an ASC ID!


betwixtcatnaps August 22 2006, 13:04:00 UTC
Oooh I think you might be living almost right under us! I'm in 324 and in a corner room. It is soooooo nice... Who's your roommate this year?

I definitely want to visit your new job! Where is it anyway? Are they hiring? *hehe*


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anonymous August 22 2006, 04:44:02 UTC
Haha! Hey Marina! It's Vonnie from Agnes... I deleted my old account and got this new one. How's London?


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vforlee August 22 2006, 13:07:27 UTC
That's so awesome! My friend just got back from studying abroad in Paris and she was in London for a little while and keeps going on and on about how much she loved it and she wants to live there eventually. It's strange because some other girls who went said it wasn't that great. *shrugs* Which school are you going to again?

Yeah, I'm back at Agnes. It's really really quiet because for a little while it was busy with all the girls for the leadership retreat, but they've all gone on the retreat (while us journalism cool kids stayed here). But they're getting back tonight so yay!


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vforlee August 25 2006, 14:26:00 UTC
First issue was good!! We set up a booth in the parking garage today to hand it to first-year families and try and get subscriptions too. It's in color and Angeline did a faaabulous job with the spread and stuff. :) How's work for you?


samildanach September 18 2006, 20:30:08 UTC
Heh, just noticed that you're the only other person on LJ listing "georgia tech band" as an interest. That was all mine for years! :-)

Hi, I'm Jack. I was trombone section leader through the fall of 2000 and a sister in Tau Beta Sigma. Now I live in Seattle. Nice to meet you!


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