Xenoblade Chronicles Theme

Dec 27, 2012 23:02

Name: Yin
Stamping Preference:
[ ] Male
[ ] Female
[X] Best Fit (don't ask for both)

Describe your personality: I try to see the good in everyone and live by the policy of "forgive and forget," I hardly ever get jealous of other people, I’m understanding, and I try to avoid conflict if at all possible. I’m incredibly shy and withdrawn around other people, and I don’t really have a lot of confidence in my own abilities. I tend to worry about things that I have no control over, and I can be a bit immature and childish at times. I’d probably much rather run away from problems than simply deal with them head-on, and I can be really naïve (my family and friends will often tell me that I don’t act with common sense). But at the same time, I can ALSO be insanely stubborn and determined when I feel very strongly about something so it really just depends on the situation at hand. I can ramble on and on when it comes to topics that catch my interest too. I tend to probably be way more polite than is necessary in most social situations as well, for some reason.

I recently took this test...and I pretty much was tied with Lawful Good and Neutral Good (seriously...I took the test four times just to be sure, and literally had only about a point of difference between both options in my individual results depending on how I answered one or two questions XD). I could see both options fitting for me within reason at times and I've actually gotten both results before on similar online tests in the past as well, so I shall mention them here in case they could be helpful for stamping purposes! :D Thank you very much to cassandrablue for the test link! ♥ Horoscope-wise, I'm a Libra (some personality traits that are associated with that Zodiac Sign DO work rather well for me at times, though there are also quite a few that don't...I just thought I'd mention it here in case someone felt it would be helpful for voting purposes). According to another personality test online...I fit into The Generous Thinker personality type, which is fairly accurate from how The Generous Thinker is described. I also apparently fall into the ISFP personality type. I don't really have too much to say on that given how detailed the link is, and for the most part...I do feel like the ISFP personality type is fairly accurate too. :)

I took the Enneagram Personality Test, and I got Type 6: The Loyalist...which seems fairly accurate for the most part. In brief, the Type 6 is described as The Committed, Security-Oriented Type: Engaging, Responsible, Anxious, and Suspicious. Sixes are reliable, hard-working, responsible, and trustworthy. Excellent "troubleshooters," they foresee problems and foster cooperation, but can also become defensive, evasive, and anxious-running on stress while complaining about it. They can be cautious and indecisive, but also reactive, defiant and rebellious. They typically have problems with self-doubt and suspicion. At their Best: internally stable and self-reliant, courageously championing themselves and others. They have a basic fear of being without support and guidance, and their basic desire is to have security and support. The key motivations for a Type 6 are that they want to have security, to feel supported by others, to have certitude and reassurance, to test the attitudes of others toward them, to fight against anxiety and insecurity. ...And the link itself does an even more detailed/lengthier description of that personality type if you need it! I think it fits rather well, all things considered.

...And I followed someone's example and also took this test. It was fairly accurate, I thought! So feel free to read this one too if you still need more personality reference:
You are shy and a little reclusive. Big crowds and new social situations make you feel uncomfortable and nervous. You prefer to stick with your close friends and family. You have a large personal space and you hate to feel crowded or overwhelmed. If you have been dragged out to a party, or have had a stressful day at work, you need to retreat to your own private place for a while afterwards to recharge.

You are very sensitive, and easily hurt. You tend to worry about what other people are thinking about you. Often, the offhand comments that people make hurt your feelings. You tend to hide your feelings from people whom you are not comfortable with, like strangers, acquaintances or coworkers. You may brush things off with a joke or hide your pain behind a toss of the head. You try not to overreact to things, and you avoid conflict, especially with strangers. However, if you are pushed too far, you can defend yourself with a vengeance.

With your loved ones you are quite different. You trust them with your feelings and with them you tend to be more open and sincere. You are loyal and clannish, and while you hide yourself from strangers and acquaintances, you come out of hiding when your close friends and family are around. Or at least, you do for a while, before you need to retreat back into your private place to re-charge.

Positive Traits: Caring, observant, creative, playful, polite, and understanding.
Negative Traits: Shy, anxious, daydreamer (from the stance that I sometimes have to be reminded to keep myself grounded when I let my mind wander), naïve, lazy, and indecisive.
Hobbies and interests: I love to read (fantasy is my favorite genre, though any well-written book from other fiction genres or non-fiction is also welcome! ♥), and I enjoy writing. I love creative writing and have been trying to get more into that again after a pretty long bout of writer's block...and I also like to write reviews (haha, one of my biggest career goals is actually to be a journalist who specializes in electronic entertainment...still is, actually ♥) or just writing down my thoughts on things randomly too. I like interacting with and taking care of animals too. Watching TV/movies, hanging out with friends or family, and playing video games (RPGs and fighting games especially!) are also some of my favorite hobbies too.
Dislikes: Character/couple bashing (even if I disagree with someone's point of view, I like remaining open minded and respectful of their opinions), unnecessary fights, and people who are intentionally cruel to others.
How are you described by others?: ...I think that, when people first meet me, they probably view me as someone who needs to be protected somehow. As I stated before, I come across as someone very quiet and nervous when interacting with people I'm not overly-familiar with...and I've even been called "meek" and "timid" on more than one occasion. Once I become more comfortable around someone, I can open up a bit more (people are often surprised the first time I speak up or crack a joke with them). Get me started on a topic that I really enjoy...and I will literally NOT stop talking about it (as people who are familiar with my ramblings on LJ are probably very much aware of! Sorry about that, everyone...and thank you for putting up with me! ♥). I've been told that I'm more playful and enthusiastic than my initial impression indicates by people because of that. I've also been described as polite (though socially awkward), creative, understanding, nervous, a worrier, and nice by others once they've gotten to know me.

Are you more...
Introverted or extroverted? Very, very shy...I don't really dislike people or anything, I just have a really hard time getting the confidence I need to talk to others comfortably. It's something I need to work on, but it's a trait that's really hard to change. I'm able to be a bit more open around family and close friends though.
Optimistic, pessimistic, idealistic, or realistic? I'd rather see the silver lining to things, so I guess I'm more of an optimist/idealist at heart (though with probably some more realistic tendencies at times depending on certain situations).
A leader or a follower? A follower, definitely...I'd constantly be worried about making the wrong decisions if I was placed in a position of leadership. And I'm not sure I could be strict enough in enforcing policies and what-not, so I'd probably be a somewhat ineffective leader at that. Besides, even as a follower--I'm still going to be voicing my opinion if I feel like something really needs to be addressed or looked into that isn't getting done for whatever reason, and I'll be making my own decisions on what I feel I should be doing...so I'll never be blindly following others anyways.
Cynical or trusting? Trusting, probably. I have my cynical moments (especially if it's about a situation that seems really odd or if someone has done things that were untrustworthy repeatedly before), but overall I try to be forgiving or believe in the best in others.
Mature or childish? It can sometimes really depend on the situation, but I guess overall I'd probably say that I act more childish at times...I can get very childlike in certain circumstances, especially if I'm not working on something or just hanging out with close friends and family.
Independent or dependent? Dependent...more than I'd like to be, at any rate. I'm more than capable of doing things for myself when I have to do so, but I tend to panic if I think about things for too long and become afraid that I somehow won't be able to do something or I'll mess it up due to my low self-confidence--so if I'm with a friend, I'll end up unconsciously letting them take the lead sometimes (for instance, it never fails how quickly I'll fall into silence during a conversation with someone I don't know very well if I'm with a more extroverted friend).
Cool or dorky? Haha, probably much more dorky than cool! XD I am not ashamed to admit I am a very big dork when it comes to most things. :D
Careful or carefree? Careful...but with some carefree leanings? *is unsure if that makes sense* I'd rather be carefree, and I try to enjoy myself in moments when I feel I can genuinely do so. But if I'm in a situation where a decision has to be made or a big change is going to take place, I'm a lot more cautious and careful in general. I'm indecisive and incredibly anxious, and I worry a ton because of that. And I'll even worry about things that I have no control over either (like if a family member takes a longer-than-normal time getting somewhere...I'll worry constantly that maybe they got lost or something along the way).
High, medium, or low energy? Somewhere in-between for the most part so probably medium energy, although I do have moments of extreme hyperactivity and calmness.
Confident or modest? I'm almost self-deprecatingly modest at times and tend to lean more towards being insecure to the point where I hardly ever see value in my own work (even if someone tells me something I've done is good, I always doubt it in my head). I think that's partially due to my anxiousness and confidence issues, but aside from joking and occasionally acting that way online or with people I'm familiar with...I'm not a very confident person.

Quote? I like a lot of quotes, truthfully so this is hard. But if I had to pick just one, there's something about the following quote that I just really like:
"There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle." -- Albert Einstein
Movie? Most Studio Ghibli films (there's only one or two that I would perhaps be hesitant to say were all-time "favorite" films of mine--which is quite impressive! ♥), The Lord of the Rings movies, Mongol, and quite a few "dumb"-but-intelligent comedies (any film by Mel Brooks, the Monty Python films, and A Funny Thing Happened On My Way To The Forum, for examples). I enjoy quite a few other movies too...but I think that's a long enough list for now. XD
Type of music? Anything really save perhaps Country. As long as a song has either an instrumentation I love or really well-written music (or preferably a combination of both for most vocal songs at least! XD), I am happy. :)
Color? Green.
Animal? I'm very fond of cats (domestic or wild), but I like a lot of other animals as well. :D
Game genre? RPGs and fighting games, though action/adventure games with really good plots and graphic adventure/visual novel titles are VERY close seconds! ♥

A large asteroid is going to hit the Earth in 24 hours and the world is going to end! How do you spend your last moments? ...I'd probably spend the first hour panicking and lamenting, lolz (sad but true XD). After that though? I'd be sad still since there would probably be a lot of things I'd LIKE to do still that I wouldn't be able to do probably, but I wouldn't want to spend my last hours really dwelling on that. Instead, I'd just want to be with my family and loved ones--smiling and laughing with them, and either talking about anything that still needs to be said or just saying nothing at all. (Also, if there was some kind of way to ensure that maybe the asteroid could get destroyed or something...I'd probably want to help too if I was in a position to do something. It seems odd to think that all of the world's countries and such would just accept that the world was going to end without doing anything, you know? 0_0; That would totally depend on the context of the hypothetical scenario though...I doubt there'd be much I could do in RL about it so I probably would just want to spend that time with my loved ones and not worry about what I couldn't change, but that doesn't mean I wouldn't be open to listening to possibilities or ideas.)
If you could change one thing about yourself, what would you change? My confidence issues. I think that's probably the biggest thing holding me back at times: I doubt that I'm strong enough to do things on my own, and it even stems into my shyness too (since I don't think anyone is interested in what I have to say, it makes it all the more terrifying to risk putting it out there and getting rejected). Being a bit more confident would just help me to reach my goals a bit quicker in the long run, I think.
What are some of your future goals? Well, my ideal careers have always involved writing. I want to be a creative writer, an author who is capable of bringing a story and characters to life with their words. And as I mentioned before, being a journalist who specializes in electronic entertainment has always kind of been a "dream job" for me (it's one of the reasons I majored in Communication in college). The video game industry in particular is quite fascinating to me, and I've always kind of been really interested in the idea of writing reviews for games...ever since I was a little girl and picked up my first gaming-centric magazine. In a way, it seems kind of silly and childish when I talk about it--but it's still something I'd like to pursue at some point, especially whenever I get an issue of Game Informer in the mail. I'm actually taking a college course on freelance writing currently to help me get my foot in the door and to know more about how to approach writing as a potential career.
If you had to chose between saving those who are precious to you and all the inhabitants of an entire city, who would you save? I would hate to make that decision at all, and I'd feel horribly guilty regardless of either choice I made in the end if the outcome was ensured...but I'd probably choose to save all of the inhabitants of the city, and I would hope that my loved ones would understand why I had to make that choice (I could actually picture quite a few of them being extremely angry with me if I DIDN'T choose to help the city in the end though, truthfully 0_0;). I'd be carrying that guilt and regret with me for the rest of my life though in that case. But...I wouldn't just accept that decision as being the only possible route either. Up until the last possible second, I'd be trying to figure out a way to save EVERYONE...and it would only be if I couldn't figure out something then I would make that choice. I don't really want to see anyone get hurt...so I wouldn't really want to just accept that one of those two outcomes was simply inevitable either, you know?
How do you tend to act around those you don't know? Pretty shy and quiet, truthfully. I don't really like to attract much attention to myself...and I'm horribly awkward and self-conscious when it comes to starting up conversations with people I don't know (or maintaining them if they've started them). I try to be polite and friendly when talking to everyone, but I think my nervousness in social situations is A LOT more apparent when I'm around people I don't really know.

Are there any characters you absolutely do not want to be voted as? Any of the characters I would want to mention here are ones I seriously doubt I'd get votes for...so nope, I'm good. XD I like most of the cast anyways, so I'm just curious to see who I'll get votes for! :D
Anything else you'd like to add? Thank you for taking the time to vote on me. ♥

You must vote on all unstamped applications before posting yours!
~And I've voted on everyone who was unstamped! :D

xenoblade chronicles: vanea

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