Name: Breyzy
Stamping Preference:
[ ] Male
[ ] Female
[X] Best Fit (don't ask for both)
Describe your personality: Gah, I hate having to describe it! O_O; Let's see: I'm very determined and stubborn. Once I set my mind to a goal, I don't stop until I finish it. I like helping people out for the most part, but I don't like feeling like I'm being taken advantage of. I'm also very independent, which I think can be both a good and a bad thing since it means I don't rely on others, even if I might need to. I'm told I'm funny, but my humor falls more in the "sarcastic" category so I'm sure there are others who disagree. I can get jealous easily and I don't trust people very readily. Even the people I'm closest to I don't trust fully. It takes a lot to get me mad, but once I've reached a "boiling point" I tend to get REALLY angry and I find it really hard to forgive someone who has made me mad. I also have this tendency to keep my inner thoughts and feelings inside without voicing them.
I took
this test recently and got
Chaotic Good as my Alignment, which I've gotten before on other tests and it seems fairly accurate! Horoscope-wise, I'm a
Libra but I'm not entirely sure how relevant that is to my personality (parts of it *really* don't fit, but others do, so I thought I'd mention it in case for some reason you do find it helpful for voting O_O;). Also, I'm apparently a
Faithful Designer and
The Dreamy Idealist. The Faithful Designer description is pretty accurate and, while the title of The Dreamy Idealist doesn't necessarily fit much for me, I do think elements of the general description as a whole kind of does. ♥
When I took the Enneagram Test, I got
Type 8: The Challenger...which, for the most part, is a pretty good fit for me! Just some info from that link: Type 8 is known as the Powerful, Dominating Type: Self-Confident, Decisive, Willful, and Confrontational. Eights are self-confident, strong, and assertive. Protective, resourceful, straight-talking, and decisive, but can also be ego-centric and domineering. Eights feel they must control their environment, especially people, sometimes becoming confrontational and intimidating. Eights typically have problems with their tempers and with allowing themselves to be vulnerable. At their Best: self- mastering, they use their strength to improve others' lives, becoming heroic, magnanimous, and inspiring. Their Basic Fear is of being harmed or controlled by others and their Basic Desire is to protect themselves (to be in control of their own life and destiny). The Challengers want to be self-reliant, to prove their strength and resist weakness, to be important in their world, to dominate the environment, and to stay in control of their situation. ...Uh, pretty much most of what that link says is pretty accurate though. XD
...And, I just recently took
this test, which was also pretty accurate to a degree if you need more of those types of things, lolz:
You are a family oriented person, and you are a good friend. You are selective about who you call "friend", however - not every acquaintance makes the cut. You like to spend regular time with the people whom you are close to, but you need time to yourself, too. If you are left too long without seeing your friends and family, you wilt, and if you see too MUCH of them, you become tired and irritable.
You are a sensitive and caring person, and you are very considerate of your friends' feelings. You are easily hurt, however, and people often hurt you accidentally with off-hand comments. You dislike confrontation, and your friends often do not realize that they have accidentally hurt you. You keep your emotions bottled up, rarely showing anger, or sadness. You don't want people to know how very sensitive you are, so you hide it under a tough, calm exterior.
Positive Traits: Determined/Hard-Working, curious, independent, helpful/loyal (to those I can respect and/or care for, at any rate), humorous ...well, depends on who you talk to. O_O;
Negative Traits: Untrusting, jealous, unforgiving, indecisive, independent (I consider this both a positive and negative trait of mine. It's positive in that I can handle things on my own and I look out for's negative because I feel like relying on others is a weakness, even in cases when it's obvious I need to {like when I'm stressed out for taking too much on myself}. I won't ask for help even when I need it because I rely too much on myself and not enough on others. I'm working on that too though). I can also be slightly manipulative...I mean, I don't go out of my way to hurt others or screw people over because of it, but I will try to sway things so that I can get what I want (I think that probably goes along with that Chaotic Good alignment though, haha!).
Hobbies and interests: I love listening to music, dancing, reading, making not-so-great graphics, watching TV/movies, playing video games, relaxing by just hanging out with friends and family, etc.
Dislikes: Mean/rude people, when people get into my personal space (I HAVE A PERSONAL SPACE BUBBLE, I DO!), and when people always make assumptions about things without actually knowing anything about them.
How are you described by others?: Let's see..."persistent, humorous, dependable, friendly, hard-working, intelligent, loyal." ...LIARS. I've been told that I'm kind of intimidating from a first impression perspective as I'm not the warmest person when I'm first meeting someone, but that once I get more comfortable with someone that impression goes away pretty fast (one of my friends once told me I'm an example of why it is good not to judge someone by a first impression and I'm still not sure if that was a compliment or not, hehe)! I tend to be told that I'm funny and generally nice once people get to know me more.
Are you more...
Introverted or extroverted? I'm shy for about ten minutes when I'm first meeting someone, but I can't stay that way for long! I find silence really uncomfortable and unnerving, so I will always try to start conversations to fill the void, hehe. :D I'm sort of more reserved when it comes to "deep" things, like inner-thoughts/feelings. I tend to keep those to myself unless I feel really comfortable with the person I'm talking to. So...extroverted about superficial stuff? XD
Optimistic, pessimistic, idealistic, or realistic? Realistic, I would say. I don't think the world is made of puppies and rainbows, but I don't think it is out to get you either. Everything is just...what it is to me.
A leader or a follower? I prefer to follow, honestly...but, I usually get stuck with leadership positions. Still, I'd rather lead than follow if no one else is going to! I have to really respect someone if they're going to try and lead me, lolz. If I think an individual besides myself can handle the leadership job well, I'm all for offering my support instead.
Cynical or trusting? Very cynical. I'm really bad at trusting others, unfortunately. :/
Mature or childish? Mature...but we all have our immature moments, don't we? XD
Independent or dependent? Independent for the most part. I don't like having to rely on others.
Cool or dorky? Lolz, I'm probably that dorky person who thinks they're cool! XD ...I seem to like a lot of dorky things though, so probably more towards the dorky side of the spectrum. :)
Careful or carefree? Depends on what we're talking about. I am carefree about superficial stuff, but I'm extremely careful with anything that goes "deeper" than that. Let's pretend that made sense, yes? :)
High, medium, or low energy? Medium or high energy (depending on my caffeine intake!). I'm definitely not a low energy type of person, lolz. XD
Confident or modest? Outwardly confident, inwardly horribly insecure/doubtful. Despite how I may appear really driven and confident on the outside, most of the time on the inside I am full of doubts and fear. Like I've mentioned before, I just don't like vocalizing that kind of stuff unless I'm around someone I can really trust.
Quote? "Look, I really don't want to wax philosophic, but I will say that if you're alive, you got to flap your arms and legs, you got to jump around a lot, you got to make a lot of noise, because life is the very opposite of death. And therefore, as I see it, if you're quiet, you're not living. You've got to be noisy, or at least your thoughts should be noisy and colorful and lively."-- Mel Brooks
Movie? I love a ton of them! XD Some of my personal favorites would be Moulin Rouge!, The Lord of the Rings Trilogy, most Studio Ghibli films, intelligent dumb comedy (anything by Mel Brooks, for example!), Mongol, and I'm currently loving all the films building up to The Avengers movie.
Type of music? J-Pop/J-Rock, K-Pop, Alternative music, etc. I will seriously listen to just about anything though so long as it isn't Country. :)
Color? is this really dark purple that looks black, but shines blue when light hits it. XD
Animal? ...I like cats! All kind of cats too: domestic ones and wild ones. ♥ Oh, and I like wolves too.
Game genre? RPGs, FIghting Games, and Visual Novels.
A large asteroid is going to hit the Earth in 24 hours and the world is going to end! How do you spend your last moments? Well, that stinks. O_O; ...I'd try to have fun, I guess! Do crazy stuff I wouldn't have probably done beforehand because I was too scared. ♥
If you could change one thing about yourself, what would you change? My inability to ask others for help. I feel like relying on others is a weakness, even in cases when it's obvious I need to (like when I'm stressed out for taking too much on myself). I'm really *trying* to work on that though!
What are some of your future goals? To get a career doing something that I love and to travel the world and experience as much from it as I can. :)
If you had to chose between saving those who are precious to you and all the inhabitants of an entire city, who would you save? ...Well, I'd like to think I'd *try* to save both. I definitely wouldn't want my loved ones to die...but, I'm not the type of person who would ignore a whole city of people either. It is hard and nearly impossible to say what one would really do in such a hypothetical situation, but I probably wouldn't be able to live with myself if I just stood there and allowed either one to die without trying to help in someway. I don't honestly think I'd be able to live with the guilt.
How do you tend to act around those you don't know? Cold. I might say hello and stuff, but I'm definitely not going to be super warm and friendly until I get comfortable around them.
Are there any characters you absolutely do not want to be voted as? Nope, lolz! Please feel free to vote whoever you think is the best fit. XD
Anything else you'd like to add? Thank you in advance for taking the time to vote! ♥
You must vote on all unstamped applications before posting yours!