The Walking Dead Theme

Dec 28, 2012 10:00

Name: Vanja
Stamping Preference:
[ ] Male
[ ] Female
[x] Best Fit (don't ask for both)

Describe your personality:
My personality can seem contradictory or random to others, as I can act quite differently depending on the situation and who I'm around. I'm cynical, but still have some idealism in the sense that I'm passionate about the causes I care about and still get disappointed when people seem to be going backwards. I enjoy helping friends, but I can't stand most people. I'm nihilistic objectively, but I do care about things on a more personal level. I've been called easy-going + intense, reckless + planned, among other things. Often, one part of these will appear much more prominent than the other part, but then it'll eventually swing back and the other half will appear more prominent to the same degree. In other words, these traits can appear to swing in extremes depending on who I'm around.

I can be too outspoken, argumentative, and blunt. While I can plan things out usually... well, if they're important actions, at least, I need better control over my mouth. I have a tendency to open it no matter who it is-- I've gotten into arguments with teachers, managers, etc... I do have a filter over it to an extent, but this has created problems in the past.

You could call me "self-made," for lack of a better term. Much of what I know, I had to learn on my own. I've had to dig myself out of an area that seemed to have a "Abandon hope, all ye born here... unless you're one of the few sons/daughters of factory owners!" motto, and it has severely impacted my overall mentality and perspectives.

For personality types: INTP/J-- I'm always strongly INT, but the J/P is near the middle. (I get J more, but the P descriptions normally do fit better, as I'm normally more easy-going.) 5 - "The Investigator", and most of that brief description for 5 (" Independent, innovative, and inventive, they can also become preoccupied with their thoughts and imaginary constructs. They become detached, yet high-strung and intense. They typically have problems with eccentricity, nihilism, and isolation") fits very well.. Chaotic Neutral, and while my morality is mixed and I don't believe in good and evil, I'm very far into that Chaotic spectrum. To briefly summarize all that: Often stuck in my own head. Determined. Prone towards disregarding rules. Willing to go out of the way for a close. Can be conniving and trickster-y. "Hard to get to know." Bored by routine and tradition. Adaptable. Challenges ideas. Prone towards thinking I'm right note to self: don't be such an ass.

Along those same lines, I'm a Scorpio, and I do tend to get either it (see: intensity, secrecy, and I do get jealous easily-- which is one of my least favorite traits) or Aquarius (progressive-thinking / possibly "misanthropic" when their views aren't met, can be alone despite not acting unfriendly by default, seen as strange by others, and "perverse"... well, does having a filthy sense of humor count?) +There's this popular quiz used on these, which does fit very well because I am secretly a hyena, particularly the part I highlighted.

Positive Traits: Analytical, independent, calm-minded (read: despite anything else, I at least think rationally), clever, open-minded, curious, humorous... but that can also be a negative *points below*

Negative Traits: Hopelessly self-critical, secretive (in the sense that I don't like to talk about my personal life - though I will talk about other things easily enough - and I tend to do/plan things without telling others), devious, obstinate, overly-curious, procrastinates too much, sarcastic/mocking/mixed with a dark sense of humor in general, rather bitter... at least if you catch me on a bad day.

Hobbies and interests:
Beyond the love of video games that I'm sure no one saw coming I enjoy reading, mountain biking, hiking, and music (both playing and listening.) Ah, and tea and coffee! Never... enough... coffee...

Dislikes: More than anything? Bigots, gender generalizations, people who complain but don't do anything to change whatever they're whining about, and the feeling of failure. Other dislikes include people who keep me up until 4 in the morning when I have to get up at 7, anything with the words "Hallmark" or "Lifetime" attached to it, and privileged people who think they're the most amazing people in the universe when they've never had to do anything for themselves in their lives.

How are you described by others?: Depends a lot on who you ask. I've been called nice and helpful, but also a horrible demon, hah. Most people - at least after they know me - say something along the lines of "intelligent, snarky, and abrasive."

+ When I did Johari/Nohari windows recently the most commonly picked traits were independent, self-assertive, witty, logical, intelligent, trustworthy, cynical, chaotic, callous, blasé, overdramatic, and hostile.

*Though I was told people wanted adjectives which weren't there, like that blasé meant that I get bored easily, and overdramatic because of the self-criticalness causing me to think the world is ending if anything happens that could be interpreted as me not doing as well as I could... but there are better words that weren't options for all that.
Are you more...
Introverted or extroverted? Here's a guess: It starts with that letter up there... *points up to the personality description* I can actually come off as extroverted sometimes, but it doesn't normally last.
Optimistic, pessimistic, idealistic, or realistic? I have ideals, but I'm aware of how realistic they really are.
A leader or a follower? A background leader. I'm too opinionated and outspoken to be a complete follower, but I prefer to advise rather than outright lead. I will take up a leader position if no one else is willing to and/or the only people who want to are incompetent, though.
Cynical or trusting? Cynical.
Mature or childish? This is difficult for me to answer! I'm so used to be called "mature" as I was when I was a kid, but I feel like I'm growing more immature than mature, haha. It's almost like to make up for those years, I've become more childish than I used to be. There are still times when I feel like the only mature person in the room, though, so idek.
Independent or dependent? Independent.
Cool or dorky? ... rofl. Care to take a guess? XD
Careful or carefree? I never know what to say to this. I can be impulsive in day-to-day activities, and I'm certainly not careful in those circumstances. Yet, I'm not really carefree since that implies being more laid-back, when... you don't want to see how much I obsess over grades. /sometimes-reckless perfectionist? D:
High, medium, or low energy? Depends on how much coffee and sleep I've gotten, so can vary significantly within that spectrum. By default (if assuming I've gotten enough sleep and haven't had coffee, so minimal other influences are acting on it)... slightly higher than average? I often have a tendency to act more enthusiastic than I really feel, however.
Confident or modest? Confident when I know I'm good at something, modest about everything else.

Quote? I never know what to say to this question, as I don't really bother to remember quotes. Let's just go with a random lyric of the moment that is important to me: "Tell me that you're torn asunder from how we fail to learn, and tell me as the earth goes under, Where’s your anger now?" (... and yes I finally changed it to a different random song, heh what's sad is that tells me I've listened to that song more than any other)
Movie? Lord of the Rings, Dr. Strangelove, PotC (minus the fourth one), V for Vendetta, Indiana Jones (minus the 2nd one), Lord of War, Zombieland...

I also not-so-secretly love some animated movies and spaghetti Westerns, which seems horribly random in comparison, but.
Type of music? makes everything easier.
Color? Dark red or dustier shades of orange or yellow.
Animal? Cats. The cuddly house kind that won't bite my neck in half.
Game genre? RPGs primarily, particularly the ones that focus more on story, world building, or characters. I also end up playing a lot of strategy games (to differentiate from srpgs-- Civilization, Age of Empires, XCOM, etc) and some puzzle action games.

A large asteroid is going to hit the Earth in 24 hours and the world is going to end! How do you spend your last moments?
Hedonistic depravity, here I come!

+ I'd probably spend the time wondering why no one has tried one of the many plans they've come up with to prevent that specific situation. D: (People have invested a lot of research into preventing situations just like that one, you know!) Ah, and with people I care about, which I'm sure is the standard answer, but there you go. I'm also really resisting the urge to hum that R.E.M. song...

If you could change one thing about yourself, what would you change?
I'm going to change my answer here, after thinking about it more/not avoiding it just because I don't want to mention it: There's actually... quite a bit. Despite being calm on the surface (again, normally), I wish I actually were also calm underneath that.

What are some of your future goals?
To get that B.S. (Bachelors of Science... not bullshit, I'd rather bullshit be deposed of properly instead of given to me XD) + any further education I may need, see more of the world, move somewhere where I actually feel a sense of belonging (this may be impossible)... All in all, I just want to feel accomplished by the end of the day.

If you had to chose between saving those who are precious to you and all the inhabitants of an entire city, who would you save?
Honestly? I just don't know. Even if I do pick to not save the city, their remaining loved ones elsewhere would probably want to kill me and the people I did save out of revenge. In I choose to not save the few people I actually like, I just... couldn't...

How do you tend to act around those you don't know?
I'll either be quiet or a chatterbox. I can come off as aloof and, well, quiet, as I'll try to block people out if I don't care about what they're saying (i.e. talking about what happened on Jersey Shore last episode or gossiping and such). Sometimes I'll even space out entirely, as much as I hate that it happens... However, the moment someone brings up something I am interested in, I can end up being the most talkative (or at least 2nd most) in the room. This happens a lot in debates, as I have skewered social merits or something.

Regardless, I have a tendency to try humor before anything else. Where it goes after that depends largely on whether they're laughing or looking at me like I'm some kind of strange person.

Are there any characters you absolutely do not want to be voted as? Larry. There's being bitter and there's... whatever the hell that is. And Brie because you have a total of... one conversation with her, lol.

Anything else you'd like to add?

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the walking dead: molly

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