Name: Hallie
Age: 17
Do you enjoy fighting and do you like playing any fighting games (like Tekken)? They aren't my absolute favorite games, but I do enjoy playing them a lot when the fancy strikes me.
Now, tell us why do you fight? (example: You do it for your family, you want to be the very best, etc.): Probably for power, to be honest. Or to prove that I'm the best. Of course, if there was an actually worthy cause behind all that, it wouldn't be a problem. :)
Any character you don't want to be voted as?: Not that I can think of!
♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ Please list three applications you voted on recently:
1 2 3 I’ll be back to vote on the rest after school, orz.
Voters! The list of all the fighters can be found